Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sleep is for sissies

It's been a busy few days since I've updated, Alexiss hasn't given me much time to do anything outside of feeding, playing, holding her and preparing formula.

This week there was one night I didn't get to sleep at all. The worst part was having to go to the bathroom for hours and not being able to! I get stressed trying to keep her quiet and not wake Mark at night so he can get in a good sleep and be able to get in a good work day. By the time she finally settled I had too much to do. So there I was, at 1:00 in the morning, washing bottles and making formula! As I was finishing up she seemed to stir so I though, heck, I'd wait for her to wake up, no sense sleeping for 20 min and having her wake me... well don't you know, the little trickster slept like that, rousing and settling back in, for over two hours! I was still awake when Mark woke up for work at 4:00 am and in the worst of moods! If ever I was going to run away from home, that would've been it. Mark was so sweet the next night, he had Thursday off for Remembrance Day and stayed up with her all night Wednesday and let me get my first real night's sleep since Sept 17th when we went into the hospital to be induced! It was pure heaven and really boosted my patience level, even now, I'm feeling much more calm and able to deal.

The night awake and the night sleeping made me realize a few things. The night Mark let me sleep showed me that her crying isn't as obtrusive to sleep as I feared and stressed about, so I'll worry less about her waking Mark. When "on duty" I don't sleep very deep and am able to rouse as the slightest stir, this has given me a fear that she'll wake Mark, which proves untrue. By the time Mark does wake, I've been at it for hours. He usually sticks his head out to ask if I need anything. Me being me wants him to sleep, and even if I do need something (a bathroom break even), I'll say no and make him go back to bed! So we learned, if and when Mark wakes because of her crying, instead of asking, he'll come out and hold her while I take care of me for 5 to 10 min.

We all went (Mark, Alexiss and I) into Carseland for a Remembrance Day ceremony. Alexiss slept the whole way through and had two people very very interested in getting a peek. One little two year old boy was just enthralled with her and wanted nothing more than to get super close to her, it was so innocent and sweet. I think he was leaning in to kiss her when his mom (or aunt) stopped him. I couldn't help but let him go, it was so sweet and full of love and wonder, I'm finding I'm not as super protective with her personal space as I thought I'd be. I've had no fear of her being hurt. The other was a older great grandmother, she kept saying how precious Alexiss way and was outside of herself, again, the love and wonder shone through. If Alexiss would have stirred I'd have let the woman hold her for a short while, but Alexiss was sound asleep. This woman has 8 grandchildren and great grandchildren (not sure how many)and she seemed to be struck with a love and appreciation for the life Alexiss represented to her. From the very young to the older, I love that.

Just as I'm about to update the little cute monster stirs, lets out a weak exclamation that could be a lazy cry and falls back asleep, must be getting close to feeding time. What can I say, she takes after me in her unwillingness to wake once asleep.

She's been fussy the last few days. Notice I say days not nights and that's something I'm thankful for. Her eating process has been lacking, she's been lazy with it; with sucking, swallowing and burping. I think that's part of the reason for the fussiness honestly, but a little Corb tonight and she finally calmed enough to get a few hours sleep. She's been up all day and, believe it or not, not crying for all of it. We've had some play time, zone out time and happy time complete with smiles and her attempt at a laugh or coo of delight. She loves playing with me when I change her diaper, she loves having her diaper off and always brings her legs up so I can't put a new one on! Then we usually sing and act out "The Wheels on the Bus". I know, not very original, but she likes it and usually gives me a smile then kicks her legs for me to do it again.

Today I bought two girly frilly dresses and an adorable seasonal sleeper for her to wear for Christmas/Yule, I'm not telling what the sleeper is, you'll have to wait. I can't wait to put her in them and take some pictures! Maybe they'll be winners to put in with thank you cards, I have yet to get some good pictures to print off to send, let alone find the time to write the thank you cards. I feel horrible not sending them out but know I'll be able to soon and give it the proper attention instead of just mailing something that's not personal and heartfelt. I got her a dish and mug set too! They are Santas and meant for milk and cookies for Santa. I didn't think I'd see such a cute set again and it'll be fun to start with something she'll take out year after year.

Today while Mark was with her for some reason he said she blatantly asked for tummy time! Very odd since she's not been a fan of being on her tummy up until now and even more odd that Mark knew exactly what she wanted!

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