Monday, November 1, 2010

A little muse named Lucy

This little girl came to me in 2008 (I think) and told me she was sitting under a tree, then she was silent. I wrote the sentence down and asked Mark if he thought it was the beginning or end to Lucy's journey and he quickly said the end but I immediately thought it was the beginning. Perhaps we were both right, maybe the reason she told me no more is because she did tell me her whole story and if I sat quietly and patiently observing her sitting under the tree we could share some enchanting moments together. Maybe, just maybe, the wind would blow right and the sun would catch my eye.

She was right and on a quiet Saturday morning with a purring Links in my lap and Mark sitting beside me I drank the coffee Mark had made I slipped away with my new little friend Lucy. What she shared wasn't long but it was enchanting all the same. I dare not add to the story to make it longer without her sharing it first.

She was right and I enjoyed the journey shared with her. I think Lucy and I might have a few more journeys together. Perhaps one day they will find an illustrator and Alexiss can have her own little special books featuring Lucy.


Sky Enchantment

On a day that was not too hot nor too cold, the wind was not to strong, nor to still, Lucy was slowly walking among the tall grasses in a farmers field. Now, don't worry this farmer was her neighbor and knew Lucy loved the creek that ran through his property. He was happy to let her wander and enjoy the part of the farm that he was too busy to enjoy himself.

As Lucy walked along the edge of the water gazing at her wavy silver smile in the water below a dragonfly came skittering across the ripples and stopped, flashing back an irridescant smile of his own. As she focused on the smile it became clear that somehow the dragonfly had become the size of a horse. She looked around in amazement and was surprised to find it was her body that shrunk not the dragonfly that grew. The dragonfly continued to smile in an inviting way, summoning Lucy to hop on and take a little afternoon ride on his back.

Lucy had never ridden a horse and definitely had never ridden a dragonfly! She fearlessly hopped on the dragonfly and off they flew! The dragonfly lurched from side to side looking for some kind of direction from the rider but recieving none. Lucy held on with all her strength and quickly learnt that Drafy leaned with her and turned in the same direction, he slowed down when she leaned back and went faster when she leaned forward. Giving all her might, she leaned forward and Drafy whizzed by puffy cattails and croaking frogs with long tongues. Just in time Drafy pulled up and they missed a collision with a large hidden rock. Everything melted away leaving only white marshmallowy clouds in Lucy's view, the clouds softly parted and allowed them through leaving wisps and tendrils in their wake.

It was too much, Lucy couldn't hold on as they soared straight up. Her fingers grasped blindly for something to hang onto but it was no use. She found herself falling through the air spinning and flipping as she watched the river get closer. As the wind was rushing at her Lucy didn't realize that she was getting bigger again. Drafy flew by and caught her eye just in time to wink before he shrunk down to normal from Lucy's perspective.

Lucy landed safely on a day that was not too hot nor too cold, the wind was not to strong, nor to still, Lucy continued slowly walking among the tall grasses in a farmers field.



Lucy quietly sat under the canopy of leaves made by the oak tree.

It was a sunny fall day and Lucy was simply enjoying the warmth of the sun mixed with the coolness of the wind. As she listened to the rustle of the leaves the wind seemed to also carry a song, it was the sweetest sound, an enchanting sound.

Lucy began to feel happy, content and very relaxed. The sun shining on objects glinted and glittered slightly. The leaves of the oak seemed to shine and the green seemed a little brighter. The sun shone through each leaf and each became a wonderful world of its own, the veins became maps of roads.

Then she looked to the sky and noticed the clouds had clearly become shapes of some of her favorite things: sheep, ice cream cones, cats and very comfortable chairs perfect for reading. A bright blue iridescent sparkle closer to her caught her eye. With wonderment Lucy put her finger out, palm up, to see what it was . A cute little iridescent mayfly landed on her finger as if to say hello.

Lucy quietly sat under the canopy of leaves made by the oak tree.

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