Monday, November 15, 2010

The Happiest Baby on the Block!

I just have to RAVE about Dr Karp and the book The Happiest Baby on the Block. Well, I didn't get a chance to read the book, but Dr Karp is a smart man and made a DVD (with a CD of soothing sounds) too! Today I finally got a chance to watch it and I really wish I'd watched it sooner! It's literally magic and transforms babies into calm comforted bundles from wailing fuss budgets!

I'd heard about it and thought it sounded like nothing special, and nothing extra than what I've been doing. I was right, but he really shows you technique for things we already know calm babies and the result is that it takes less than 2 minutes to soothe Alexiss instead of hours or portions of hours. The video actually shows it working instantly on some babies, they go from wailing messes to fine at the snap of my fingers!

So it perfects swaddling, shushing and swinging (bouncing or jiggling) adds in the colic side or upside down hold and finishes it off with suckling (the five s's). I know, what's the big deal, right? Do all those things now and it helps a bit, but not enough? Well put away that gripe water and slap me silly, but by the end of watching the DVD it had already soothed Alexiss more than doing these things even an hour before, with his little finishing touches! Better yet, it's things I already knew how to do so it's not something total foreign that takes watching over and over and trying a few times to get it just right!

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