Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jim Henson's The Storyteller - Stone Soup

It was a bit of a rough night, but after three good days and two good nights.. who's complaining! Certainly not me! Poor Mark though, I knew he wasn't working today so I enlisted his help, sometimes (okay, not sometimes.. usually) his aura is more calm than mine and it seems to calm her down a bit easier. She tends to feed feed feed at night to get ready for a good night's sleep, we try to space it so we can measure what she's eating and give her time to digest what she just had. Last night after she finished fussing and eating, she wanted juuuust one more, so I gave in, and you know she took three sips and quickly fell asleep! Then she slept for 5 1/2 hours! Of course, mamma doesn't get to sleep that long with getting her settled as she half dozes and getting things prepared for the next feeds, but it was a good sleep. I'm starting to love weekends with Mark home to help... once I gave up my need to control.... now I get one time a day on weekends to wake up without having to worry about Alexiss and what she wants before I can open my eyes and run to the bathroom. Today I am happy to say I picked up my knitting and knit a few rows instead of spacing out on the computer!

I swear in the past few days she's been trying to laugh! Tummy time is still a little rough going but we'll get there.

Today we watched Jim Henson's The Storyteller - A short story on youtube. The Storyteller usually puts a new spin on old favorites.. because that's what storytellers do. This one features the storyteller himself and tells a tale of his hard times, it also includes him making stone soup! I'm sad I can't embed the video, but there's always a magic link! Click click!

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