Monday, November 1, 2010

6 Weeks

A month of breastfeeding and fighting for proper latching and me not confident I was able to care for myself enough to give enough quality milk made switching to formula a hard and good decision. At 6 weeks she's eating approximately an oz and hour! Her cheeks are getting sooo chubby!

At her last Drs Appt on Oct 21, she weighed in at 8.1 pounds and had grown a full inch!

Alexiss had a really bad week, crying well over 12 hours two days in a row. Last appt we had at the doctors they mentioned that it sounds by her behavior that she could be suffering from acid reflux and if it got worse they could give her a prescription for Zantac. Well, on Friday I broke down and called them back to ask for a prescription. I've only been giving it to her since Friday and already she's a different baby! She played on her mat three times yesterday, usually she's too tired or cranky and would only play once every few days. She smiled more yesterday and was interactive with Mark and I. These are all things that she's done minimally in the past, crying takes a lot out of a girl, she was either awake and fussy most of the time or catching up on sleep because the reason for the crying was keeping her up.

Because of the acid reflux, she doesn't like to lie flat in her crib and we didn't have anything suitable to safely put her into, so she slept on my chest for a few nights, it was the only way she would sleep. We'd had a swing given to us, but it positioned her awkwardly. This weekend I went to WalMart and bought a swing/cradle combination that has a mobile, sounds and a seat that allows her to be rocked in two positions. Yesterday it was a success and she loved sitting in it and staring at the mobile, last night was an even bigger success when she slept in it and didn't cry and insist on being upright on my chest all night.

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