Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh deer. Moms and Tots again!

Oh deer! Moms and Tots again today and then we headed over to Lynette's for lunch! We didn't get home until 3:00!

Alexiss has been keeping me busy, but now it's playing! yay! She's also still having trouble sleeping during the day and will only sleep in my arms after I calm her crying and stubbornness to fight sleep. That leaves me about a half hour a day to tidy up, have a bathroom break..etc. and hasn't given me much time to update.

She loves kicking my hands (or belleh) when she's in her high chair and isn't a fan of tummy time, making me wonder if she'll not be interested in crawling and go right to walking. Who knows, only time will tell.

I realized this weekend that when my mom turned 40, I remember celebrating as a nineteen year old. Alexiss will only be a year and 4 months when I turn 40! Imagine, if I'd had children earlier it's possible I'd be close to hitting grandmother years instead of mom years! The idea just baffles me.

Alexiss is loving being talked to and I'm not sure if it's the fun "peek a boo" words or the actual hide and popping out, but she's loving peek a boo! I don't know how I know when it's the right time to try things with her, but she usually responds in a very positive way.. thank goodness! Now I'm all out of baby tricks and baby play ideas.. yeah, I'm not very inventive or wise in the ways of the bebeh!

Tomorrow is a pot luck party with Mark's bible study group. They all love Alexiss and fight over who gets to hold her next. Little socialite that she is loves every minute of it.. and so do the ladies! Many have grandchildren that are grown or live far away so they get their "grandchild" fix. And while they do that, I'm going to enjoy having time to eat slowly and enjoy my food.

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