Monday, November 1, 2010

A little about Alexiss

Alexiss has become a Corb Lund fan! The tempo and Corb`s voice soothe her when she`s fussy, she loves when I tap out the beat on her bum. Here`s a sample of Corb.

Mark loves to sing her too, his choices are usually; Neil Diamond, a sample of his Christian favorites with groups like Needtobreathe and the song `Wondering Where the Lions Are`by Bruce Cockburn.

She`s starting to learn how to use her arms and hands; reaching out to the hanging toys and mirror on her play mat and the illustrations of her new book `Just the way you are`by Max Lucado. For some reason I find special delight watching her try to suck her thumb, when her hand just won`t move right, she moves her head and uses her other hand to help guide her thumb to her mouth.

With our new lease on life (thanks to Zantac) Alexiss has started to enjoy her waking hours and she thanks us with smiles! Mark got the first few smiles but I`m starting to get them now too. She`s also starting to move her head to follow us and watch us, yesterday I played `follow me`and she had so much fun! While she was in Mark`s arms I walked to one side and called her name and she smiled, then I slowly walked behind him to the other side and she followed me the entire time!

During our daily feed, awake and normal interactions I usually call her Bubba or Beauty, depending on my mood and her demeanor.

I love the little mmmuahahaha sound she makes when she`s verbal and just starts sucking on her soother or bottle. Sad to say it`s usually when she`s crying.

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