Sunday, August 7, 2011

The world gets bigger...and so does the bumps and "nos"

Yep, we're still here! On the move and touring the house. While we've child proofed most of the house (yes, Gramma and Pops, we installed the gate at the stairs) the dog dishes don't have a better spot, and for some reason is soooo interesting! Alexiss is learning what "no" means when there's things around that the Momma forgot to put away, it seems like all I'm doing is moving thing out of her way or picking things up that she decides she doesn't need anymore.

Days are filled with touring the house and eating times between nap times. Alexiss, while not a picky eater, doesn't always feel like eating what's given to her, so eating usually ends up with me finding a few more things on the fly to give to her. From the time she started eating solids, she was holding her own spoon, but lately she's working on mastering actually using the spoon for food. Bath times have also increased since after a meal it's the easiest way to get her clean again.

Alexiss has a new nickname! Prunella! Thanks to Uncle Don and my inner need to keep Alexiss regular, prunes have become a staple food for at least one or two meals/snacks a day.

At her 9 month (which was actually at 10 months) doctors check up she weighed 21.13 lbs and measured 29 1/4 inches long. She's outgrowing her carry car seat so I shopped around and settled on a new big-girl car seat, it's still sitting in the house but she's loving climbing up and sitting in it. I keep wondering if she'll like it as much in the truck, since she won't be able to peep over the top to talk to me. Well, it'll only be a few months before she's allowed to be forward facing. I'm starting to understand when people say "they grow so fast", it really didn't feel like it was fast when she was a newborn, but since she's hit 9 months... she's really taken off.

There's so many new things, it's hard to list them all and remember little milestones, I really should pop in more and leave shorter updates to keep track. She wasn't very interested in walking until last week, I was trying to coax her having her face away from me, and I don't think she knew what to do, but last week I let her face and follow me... then the fun began. In only a week she's already more stable and enjoying it, so much that sometimes she'll crawl up to me and grab both of my hands to give me the hint that it's time to go a-wanderin.

Her coordination is improving greatly as well. She has now learned how to use both hands together to get something done, and has fun "putting away" her little piggy and cow into the soft barn, I say putting away in quotes because they don't stay put away for long, usually she doesn't even let go of them before pulling them out again.

Her rambles are usually one constant mumble for the day, but yesterday she started momomomom and dadadada, switching back and forth. She can also "ruff" and tries to "meow" and her mooo is more like mmmmmm, but she's working on it. It's still hard to distinguish when she's babbling or meaning to say something but I swear I've heard kitty in there too and a few more things.

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