Thursday, July 28, 2011

Calming the beast within

It's been a rough week for both Alexiss and I, she's not wanting to eat or sleep which means, in the end, both of us cranky and moody, don't get me wrong, she is napping, and she is eating but both aren't as enjoyable as they can be. While I was putting her down for her morning nap yesterday, all I could think about was having the time to have a hot breakfast of a fried egg on toast. What I got was an awake Alexiss and PB on bread.

Last night I decided to try tapping into our primal spirits, letting them free as well as soothing them with music. I downloaded some tribal beats and some Chakra meditations, and I'm relieved that she seemed to be reacting to both.

I played the tribal beat this morning, which had us both swaying and dancing.

Then for her nap I played the soothing meditation music and she's soundly, peacefully sleeping.... mmmm, maybe not.... she's stirring... bah, I hope there's some left over dinner in the fridge for me instead of having ANOTHER PB on bread meal. Gah...

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