Monday, August 8, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

As I sit here, shirt wet with tea Alexiss decided to spill on me as I drank and dried yogurt on my pants from this mornings breakfast (probably some in my hair too), I listen to her sleepy breathing on the monitor and look around at the shambles my house is in. Tupperware strewn across the floor, a tea towel on the floor used to quickly clean up the tea, the tv with "no video signal" jumping around on the screen, waiting patiently for me to start Baby Einstein, again and the apples on the counter I was planning on making a crumble with. Oh yeah, and the cutlery drawer sitting atop the counter from when I broke it last week. Everything in disorder, nothing totally tidy...and it's not gonna be for a long time I think.

Silly me thinking this year off would be organized, I'd get all the housework and yard work done, and weekends would be for play time with family. Weekends are still about working hard to get laundry and other things done.

Alexiss has been sleeping more during the day, but playing hard in between. Some of that is alone play time and some is me standing and wandering behind her shielding her from disturbing the pets too much as she crawls or walks (with my help) through the hallways. The dog food has become a major interest, to Alexiss and to the cat, I've been guarding it for days.

Opening and closing doors have been the fun thing to do lately, her feet get in the way a bit...and sometimes her head, but ya gotta learn somehow. I watch closely to make sure her fingers don't get in the way of it shutting though! Here she is at the front door, she's been working hard on reaching the door knob but likes to peer out at the world too.

She just started with hanging her tongue out of her mouth this weekend, I think she's cutting another tooth, it seems the two go hand in hand.. or tooth and tongue. heh. I think we're up to 8 teeth!

...and I present you with the one knitting project I managed to finish for Alexiss in a weekend. I also managed to finish the hat, cowl/scarf and fingerless glove set I started way in the beginning of the year.

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