Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another first - day home trial run

We're going to try starting Alexiss slowly at a day home across the street for when I return to work. We've been talking back and forth with a woman across the street who's offering a day home, Lee-Ann, for over a week, the few neighbors I talk to and trust have given her good recommendations and we met up with her yesterday. I asked about first aid, snack time, play time, nap time, discipline and a few more things and she had answers that I could see Mark and I saying... so... today Alexiss went over for a few hours to try it out, that's trying it out for all of us.. me, Mark, Lee-Ann and Lee-Ann's two children.

She has been over there for an hour and a half and so far.. no phone call with Alexiss screaming for her Momma in the background. It's exciting and I'm enjoying my time but there's also a part of me that's nervous and sad.

So far today I've:
  • Steeped a hot tea while taking a shower, complete with scrubbed feets and shaved armpits. (too much information, I know, but ohhh so true)
  • Mopped the floor while cooking a nice turkey bacon and egg breakfast (super late, I know, but ohhh so true)
  • And between it all, I've socialized on Facebook and now I'm sitting here, quickly updating the blog.. which by the way had a whole 72 views yesterday! We don't have that much family, either someone has viewed pages over and over again , gawking at the super cuteness that is Alexiss (it wasn't me, honest, I did gawk a few times but not 72!) or there's something quirky about how tracks views.
  • Oh.. and had Fringe (a tv show) running in the background

Yep, still multi-tasking at an alarming rapid rate.. but it's different, I know I can go-go-go so it's letting me focus-focus-focus.

These are my notes for Lee-Ann... and everything boring you may have wanted to know about my time during the day with Alexiss.


Breakfast - 2 or 3 tablespoons baby cereal
- yogurt
- fruit

Lunch - protein
- fruit or veggie
- pasta or cracker
- soups or casseroles

Snacks - cheese or yogurt
- fruit or veggie
- cracker

Fruit - ripe cubed soft fruit, peel removed - banana peach, plum, cherry, mango
- puree apple sauce (homemade or jarred)
- jarred apple/strawberry, apple blueberry..etc
- pureed jarred prunes at least once a day

Veggie - sweet potato, squash, carrots
-puree leeks and kale or spinach
-jarred squash, beans and apple, veggie and rainsins

protein - steak, meatballs
-I'm going to try tofu and beans (again).
-chicken to a lesser degree

crackers - rice puffs
-cheerios broken in half
-adult crackers broken up, she likes flavored bread type crackers
-whole baby rice crackers (Mum-mums)

  • try anything except eggs, nuts and shellfish
  • there isn't much she won't try except things with a skin like corn, beans and peas
  • She likes to self feed cubed food but may need help with slippery fruits. I usually let her pick away and shove fruit or veggie in her mouth in between. She just started spitting out what she doesn't want to eat.
  • She sometimes grabs and tries to use utensils, she needs help dipping the spoon. She sometimes tosses the spoon, sippy cup or plate. Sometimes I don't bother with a plate and use the try on the chair.
  • If she's too tired or cranky she may want a bottle instead of food.
  • Sometimes I put dressing/sauce on mozzarella cheese, meatballs, pasta, etc
  • balsamic vinegar dressing, garlic salad dressing, or tomato sauce

Bottle - 1 scoop powder to 2 oz hot tap water - water first, then add powder
- 2 or 3 a day when she's cranky and nothing else is wrong. or if she's eating and
doesn't want food to eat but pulls at your shirt and reaches for your face.
- Nestle Good Start, two circles on front in purple and yellow
(easy to digest and omega 3&6)

Sippy Cup - water, no juice (only super special occasions)
- I just started offering her homo milk for lunch and afternoon snack


walking with help
playing with toys
sitting quietly
  • shows - Baby Einstein, Blue Clues, BunnyTown
  • we have a bouncer, she may like the exersaucer
  • baby einstein and bouncer is comforting to her (or sometimes her "bathroom")
  • country music is also a comfort to her, specially Corb Lund
  • I play all kinds of other music, tribal, instrumental, meditation, rock, 70s..etc


  • she doesn't fall asleep on her own yet
  • rocking, dancing, tapping, music help her sleep
  • if she paws at you, she wants a bottle or clean diaper
  • naps are usually 1 1/2 hours followed by quiet alone play time in the crib (if she's babbling away having fun) for a 1/2 hour
  • if she only sleeps 15 min it's usually because she needs to poo. Try Baby Einstein and bouncer or floor
  • she's usually pretty sleepy in the morning and naps shortly after breakfast. Sometimes again around 1:00 and usually around 3 or 4


diapers size 5
only use zinc for a rash
if no rash, use nothing

I'm not a huge clean freak, I wipe her face and hands after eating but if her clothes are a little dirty I leave her. I usually change her clothes after two meals/snacks. I do sometimes use the sink and tap to clean her hands and face after eating.


Now off to cuddle with a cat!

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