Thursday, August 25, 2011

..and it starts

Alexiss has picked up (on her own) what to do with the food she doesn't want... leave it for Rex of course!


Worst day... ever.

Alexiss has increasingly gotten crankier and less willing to cope. I suspect all the "iron fortified" baby food and formula is the root of the problem, add on the mini heat wave we've been having and neither of us are sleeping well. Alexiss gets in this horrible cycle of not pooping, not eating, not sleeping.

This morning she woke at 5:00 and wouldn't settle back down, the reason.. she was finally going to push through and poo (thank goodness!). She finally settled back in around 7:00 and slept until 10:00, which really put any kind of schedule out the window. So again, we cycle through trying to sleep, not sleeping, not eating, not drinking a bottle. She's been crying and cranky since 11:30, when she was getting tired and ready for another nap.... NOT! Instead she was cranky and it was getting later, so I thought at 12:30 to try lunch.. NOT! After having food spit out at me and her cranky and tired, it was natural to try to get her to nap again... NOT! She finally fell asleep again at 1:30. Now I'm tired and cranky and don't want to do jack. I'm forcing myself to update the blog when I'd much rather drink tea and play silly little brainless games, I should be taking a shower or something, but ya know... I really don't feel like it at all.

So, I'm left wanting to go and get new formula and cereals that don't have as much iron in them and not being able to. What a frikken day. Alexiss won't give me a chance to get anything extra done to help her out. *sigh*

Thank goodness my phone locks when closest or someone in China would've gotten a garbled text.

Alexiss and Links finally had a bit of a confrontation. I'm really thankful it wasn't worse than it was, boy was Alexiss surprised! Oh, that reminds me...Alexiss has been saying "cat" and "dog". As soon as I can I'm going out to buy Links one of the cat tree house/scratch post things. He's been scratching at the carpet and pulling up the fibers, not a good thing when Alexiss helps clean all the things up on the floor by putting them in her mouth. And this way he can have some of his own space free from little hands.

My cousin Rhonda is getting married this weekend, so my Aunt and Uncle are here to celebrate. They came over last night to visit. Alexiss loved them! They loved Alexiss! All was good, until it started getting really hot in the house and a day of not eating, sleeping and pooping caught up with Alexiss. All the pictures I took are fuzzy, but I'm hoping my cousin will send me copies of pictures she took.

Okay, whiney mess is awake and... whiney. Gotta run.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More or less, a good week.

It was a bad end to a week last week and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why.. turns out two weekends without having Mark spell me off in the morning was a little too much for me. One Saturday morning having Mark home allowing me to sleep in made all the difference in the world.

Hold on... gotta make a hot tea while Alexiss is napping... mmmm

Okay, so it's been a good week (lacking sleep and the attitude that, not Alexiss) more or less.

More clapping, dancing and wandering the halls. Less bottles, dishes and time to update the blog. More "helping" with laundry, which really means more folding (over and over again) for Mark (and I).

I'm getting ready to return to work, and like most unknown upcoming events in life, I refuse to forecast and put expectations on how it's going to go. I had an interview last week for a new job posting at Raytheon and am waiting to hear back. Alexiss is adjusting amazingly well to the day home, it hasn't even phased her, if anything I think she's enjoying having other kids around to watch.

What is making me nervous is getting my arse to work after a rough night. I have a feeling the hot evenings and cool nights are what is waking Alexiss. When I put her down for the night, it's hot, so I don't put blankets on her. Then when the house cools (around 2:00ish) she gets cold and wakes. I keep thinking how wonderful it will be when she can grab her own blankets. Last night when I went to check on her she was sleeping with her bum up in the air! So cute, if it wasn't so dark and I didn't fear waking her, I would've snapped a picture to share.

Her first birthday is quickly sneaking up on us! We've decided to go typical Ryderson style and have a quiet birthday celebration with cake. There was one Star Fairy cake that is very fitting of Alexiss's full name, but, for some reason, the image wasn't exactly right. On her own, Alexiss has taken a liking to sunflowers, stopping (and sometimes kissing the page) when any sunflower image comes up in a book, soooo it's either sunflowers or a Blue's Clues theme since Blue has been a major part of our year. Then we'll have more cake and another small celebration with Oma and Opa when they come through on their way to Nanaimo.

Next week, we're all on our way to visit Great-Uncle Gerry and Great-Aunt Jacqueline in Vancouver, and hopefully get to visit Great-Aunt Patricia, Uncle Garnet and Aunt Shelley. I'm excited to share Kitsilano with Alexiss, it's a spot that holds many good memories and with that, much magic and happiness.

We've been getting outside more, here's Alexiss "playing" in the grass with Cindi (whom I lovingly refer to as The Second Momma)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Three! Two! One! Go!

Three - only three bottles today

Two - two poops today!

One - one job interview

Go - Going to bed!

Monday, August 15, 2011


A good weekend and a good start to the week.

The weekend was spent with good friends (where I learned a good lesson), I made some good food and a good cake (after I found a good online weight to measurement converter). Tonight ended with me resorting to swaddling Alexiss again in the hopes of a good night sleep for both of us.

Matt and Cindi came for a visit, Mark and Matt went golfing and enjoyed a night and Cindi and I stayed home and chatted while I made a few salads for the next day. I learned that I'm really trying to hard to tend to everyone else and not myself. So from now on, Alexiss can learn to eat and sleep a bit more independently without a super quiet background and Mark can learn to "Alexiss". I was maaaAAAd, trying to get it all done.

I made a Coca-Cola cake, I'd found the recipe online and couldn't wait to try it out. It was yummy and super moist, but there wasn't a huge Coca-Cola taste to it. Next time I may try cream-soda instead.

Coca-cola cake

250 gr (1 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature
250 gr (2 cups)self-rise flour
300 (1 1/2 cups)gr sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoon cacao powder
200 ml coca-cola
75 ml milk
2 large eggs, at room temperature

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sift together the flour, baking soda, cacao and set aside.
In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix the butter and sugar on medium speed until airy and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition (scrape down the sides if necessary). Still on medium speed, add the cococa-cola and milk and mixing until well incorporated. Add the flour,baking soda and cacao. Make sure that all the ingredients are well incorporated but do not overbeat. With each addition, beat until the ingredients are incorporated, but do not overbeat. Spoon the batter into the single cake pan. Bake for 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cupcake comes out clean.

For topping
60gr (1/4 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 tablespoon coca-cola
3 tablespoon cacao powder
200 (7/8 cup !?) gr powdered sugar, sifted
In a medium bowl, combine all topping ingredients

Well, I'm getting while the getting is good, Alexiss is still sleeping and I'm on my way. Good night!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day number two - home care

To keep Alexiss in the habit, now that we've met and like Lee-Ann, she's gone over there again today for a few hours and next week we're going to try two half days (one of which will be an interview at work for a new job posting).

Yesterday went very well, she said Alexiss cried a little, but nothing inconsolable or nothing distraction couldn't solve. At one point she said her daughter was running around playing hide and seek with Alexiss, which produced laughs so big that Lee-Ann had to make sure she wasn't crying!

I'm really liking her, both days she's asked me about saying goodbye to Alexiss, making sure it's how I want it to be without making judgement when asking and seemingly happy, or proud even, of my reply. I don't want it to be a huge episode making Alexiss feel like it needs drama, nor do I want to slip away and not let her see me go. I think that's a very healthy way to go. I do give her a kiss goodbye and let her know I love her, but don't cling to her and let her know this is okay and no big whoop to get concerned about.

Today I don't have as much time, we were late getting over there because Alexiss woke up a bit late from her morning nap and then proceeded to eat lunch slow as well, I figure.. what's the rush, as long as she goes over for a few hours. Lee-Ann also has some running around to do this afternoon, so she asked me to come back around 3:15...again, no problem. I think the major thing is the drop off and being without me, I don't think Alexiss will really fair worse or better if it's 2 1/2 hours or 3.

I gots mah hot tea and I'm off to pick something to clean and something fun. I think I may write out those prayers I picked out for Alexiss before we visiting Ontario and put them up. I've got a neat new Wild Notes notebook, that with a special pen, shows up in different colors. It's kinda like how, as kids, we would color with all different crayons, then color over it with another crayon (usually black, blue or a dark color), then we'd draw with something a little sharp that would pick up the darker color and reveal the bottom color.

Oh.. and kill a few annoying flies.. grrrr

But first, let me see if I have some cuteness that is Alexiss to show ya... diapers hanging out and all!

Okay, fly swatter, special pen and tea at I go!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A sh*tty post

Ahhh, you knew it was coming sooner or later, didn't ya? Ya can't talk babies without talking about regularity. The moms I've talked to don't seem as concerned, or aren't as verbal, as me.... planning around letting Alexiss have quiet time to poop. They all seem to go about their days without a thought about it, maybe their babies poop no matter where they are, who's around or what's going on, but not our Alexiss, she needs things to be juuust right, always has.

Over and above planning outings around naps and eating, pooping really rules my day - if I can go grocery shopping, if we go for a walk, if I get to sleep at a decent hour. Is it really any wonder that I'm constantly preoccupied and sticking prunes in her gob?

It's nights like tonight that warrant my concern. We started bed time at 9:00, she was really tired, she was ready but her body held us up. Annnd it's now 11:00 and I just got her to go down (hopefully for the night) because she had something a'brewin and things weren't quite right, the ambiance of the room, the movie perhaps or just her being generally distracted.

All I got to say is.... Good night!!!!

Bedtime music

Last night I wanted something different than Corb Lund, so I played my Faerie music from Fairy HeartMagic by Gary Stadler with Stephanne.

l've searched the mountains, the forest and the sea,
Seeking the homeland, of my memories.
Haunted by visions, longing like the sea,
Time passes by me, and still l am not free.
Lift the veil of Elphame, let me see the light
Lift the veil of Faerie, guide me home tonight
How can I soar alone, when my wings are at rest?
I yearn to be there in the land of the bless'd
So light me a candle, watch the dark shadows fade.

And I must journey on, for the choice 1 have made
Lift the veil of Elphame, let me see the light
Lift the veil of Faerie, take me home tonight
My lone heart guides brings me home through the night
Carries me onward, and into the light
To wander the shadows, to see the truth from afar,
To sigh in the moonlight dancing magic of stars.
Lift the veil of Elphame, let me see the light
Lift the veil of Faerie, guide my way tonight

Oh me! Oh! My!

Since we don't have any kind of television plan Alexiss watches some shows through Netflix and bought DVDs. Last week, while shopping at Toys R Us I noticed some DVDs on sale and bought some updated Blues Clues for her and spotted a show called Bunnytown. BIG HIT (with Alexiss and with the Momma and Daddy).

Here's Pinky Pinkerton! A portion of Bunnytown, there's also singing dancing puppet rabbit and two silly men like old silent movies (no video of the two men on youtube, sorry).

Another first - day home trial run

We're going to try starting Alexiss slowly at a day home across the street for when I return to work. We've been talking back and forth with a woman across the street who's offering a day home, Lee-Ann, for over a week, the few neighbors I talk to and trust have given her good recommendations and we met up with her yesterday. I asked about first aid, snack time, play time, nap time, discipline and a few more things and she had answers that I could see Mark and I saying... so... today Alexiss went over for a few hours to try it out, that's trying it out for all of us.. me, Mark, Lee-Ann and Lee-Ann's two children.

She has been over there for an hour and a half and so far.. no phone call with Alexiss screaming for her Momma in the background. It's exciting and I'm enjoying my time but there's also a part of me that's nervous and sad.

So far today I've:
  • Steeped a hot tea while taking a shower, complete with scrubbed feets and shaved armpits. (too much information, I know, but ohhh so true)
  • Mopped the floor while cooking a nice turkey bacon and egg breakfast (super late, I know, but ohhh so true)
  • And between it all, I've socialized on Facebook and now I'm sitting here, quickly updating the blog.. which by the way had a whole 72 views yesterday! We don't have that much family, either someone has viewed pages over and over again , gawking at the super cuteness that is Alexiss (it wasn't me, honest, I did gawk a few times but not 72!) or there's something quirky about how tracks views.
  • Oh.. and had Fringe (a tv show) running in the background

Yep, still multi-tasking at an alarming rapid rate.. but it's different, I know I can go-go-go so it's letting me focus-focus-focus.

These are my notes for Lee-Ann... and everything boring you may have wanted to know about my time during the day with Alexiss.


Breakfast - 2 or 3 tablespoons baby cereal
- yogurt
- fruit

Lunch - protein
- fruit or veggie
- pasta or cracker
- soups or casseroles

Snacks - cheese or yogurt
- fruit or veggie
- cracker

Fruit - ripe cubed soft fruit, peel removed - banana peach, plum, cherry, mango
- puree apple sauce (homemade or jarred)
- jarred apple/strawberry, apple blueberry..etc
- pureed jarred prunes at least once a day

Veggie - sweet potato, squash, carrots
-puree leeks and kale or spinach
-jarred squash, beans and apple, veggie and rainsins

protein - steak, meatballs
-I'm going to try tofu and beans (again).
-chicken to a lesser degree

crackers - rice puffs
-cheerios broken in half
-adult crackers broken up, she likes flavored bread type crackers
-whole baby rice crackers (Mum-mums)

  • try anything except eggs, nuts and shellfish
  • there isn't much she won't try except things with a skin like corn, beans and peas
  • She likes to self feed cubed food but may need help with slippery fruits. I usually let her pick away and shove fruit or veggie in her mouth in between. She just started spitting out what she doesn't want to eat.
  • She sometimes grabs and tries to use utensils, she needs help dipping the spoon. She sometimes tosses the spoon, sippy cup or plate. Sometimes I don't bother with a plate and use the try on the chair.
  • If she's too tired or cranky she may want a bottle instead of food.
  • Sometimes I put dressing/sauce on mozzarella cheese, meatballs, pasta, etc
  • balsamic vinegar dressing, garlic salad dressing, or tomato sauce

Bottle - 1 scoop powder to 2 oz hot tap water - water first, then add powder
- 2 or 3 a day when she's cranky and nothing else is wrong. or if she's eating and
doesn't want food to eat but pulls at your shirt and reaches for your face.
- Nestle Good Start, two circles on front in purple and yellow
(easy to digest and omega 3&6)

Sippy Cup - water, no juice (only super special occasions)
- I just started offering her homo milk for lunch and afternoon snack


walking with help
playing with toys
sitting quietly
  • shows - Baby Einstein, Blue Clues, BunnyTown
  • we have a bouncer, she may like the exersaucer
  • baby einstein and bouncer is comforting to her (or sometimes her "bathroom")
  • country music is also a comfort to her, specially Corb Lund
  • I play all kinds of other music, tribal, instrumental, meditation, rock, 70s..etc


  • she doesn't fall asleep on her own yet
  • rocking, dancing, tapping, music help her sleep
  • if she paws at you, she wants a bottle or clean diaper
  • naps are usually 1 1/2 hours followed by quiet alone play time in the crib (if she's babbling away having fun) for a 1/2 hour
  • if she only sleeps 15 min it's usually because she needs to poo. Try Baby Einstein and bouncer or floor
  • she's usually pretty sleepy in the morning and naps shortly after breakfast. Sometimes again around 1:00 and usually around 3 or 4


diapers size 5
only use zinc for a rash
if no rash, use nothing

I'm not a huge clean freak, I wipe her face and hands after eating but if her clothes are a little dirty I leave her. I usually change her clothes after two meals/snacks. I do sometimes use the sink and tap to clean her hands and face after eating.


Now off to cuddle with a cat!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A huge first!

Alexiss has always fought going to sleep, well, she's gone one extreme to the other, a few nights ago it took 5 attempts to finally get her to sleep and last night was only one.

This morning! she! fell! asleep! ON HER OWN!!!!

I was on the computer while she was in her bouncer (buying some TV series on DVD and a growth chart for her) ... and then I noticed that it was quiet... I looked over to see this:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Another one for the box collection!

It shouldn't have taken me this long to show off the earthy ammolite box Gramma bought Alexiss on our trip home to Ontario to add to her box collection. There's also an ammolite piece and a phantom crystal to put inside. I didn't think at the time, that ammolite is from the home, the Rocky's. Gramma bought her a little pouch with a dream catcher on it too, it's hanging in her room.

testing... testing...

This was the first day with the new camera, playing with the video option.

Just Another Manic Monday

As I sit here, shirt wet with tea Alexiss decided to spill on me as I drank and dried yogurt on my pants from this mornings breakfast (probably some in my hair too), I listen to her sleepy breathing on the monitor and look around at the shambles my house is in. Tupperware strewn across the floor, a tea towel on the floor used to quickly clean up the tea, the tv with "no video signal" jumping around on the screen, waiting patiently for me to start Baby Einstein, again and the apples on the counter I was planning on making a crumble with. Oh yeah, and the cutlery drawer sitting atop the counter from when I broke it last week. Everything in disorder, nothing totally tidy...and it's not gonna be for a long time I think.

Silly me thinking this year off would be organized, I'd get all the housework and yard work done, and weekends would be for play time with family. Weekends are still about working hard to get laundry and other things done.

Alexiss has been sleeping more during the day, but playing hard in between. Some of that is alone play time and some is me standing and wandering behind her shielding her from disturbing the pets too much as she crawls or walks (with my help) through the hallways. The dog food has become a major interest, to Alexiss and to the cat, I've been guarding it for days.

Opening and closing doors have been the fun thing to do lately, her feet get in the way a bit...and sometimes her head, but ya gotta learn somehow. I watch closely to make sure her fingers don't get in the way of it shutting though! Here she is at the front door, she's been working hard on reaching the door knob but likes to peer out at the world too.

She just started with hanging her tongue out of her mouth this weekend, I think she's cutting another tooth, it seems the two go hand in hand.. or tooth and tongue. heh. I think we're up to 8 teeth!

...and I present you with the one knitting project I managed to finish for Alexiss in a weekend. I also managed to finish the hat, cowl/scarf and fingerless glove set I started way in the beginning of the year.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The world gets bigger...and so does the bumps and "nos"

Yep, we're still here! On the move and touring the house. While we've child proofed most of the house (yes, Gramma and Pops, we installed the gate at the stairs) the dog dishes don't have a better spot, and for some reason is soooo interesting! Alexiss is learning what "no" means when there's things around that the Momma forgot to put away, it seems like all I'm doing is moving thing out of her way or picking things up that she decides she doesn't need anymore.

Days are filled with touring the house and eating times between nap times. Alexiss, while not a picky eater, doesn't always feel like eating what's given to her, so eating usually ends up with me finding a few more things on the fly to give to her. From the time she started eating solids, she was holding her own spoon, but lately she's working on mastering actually using the spoon for food. Bath times have also increased since after a meal it's the easiest way to get her clean again.

Alexiss has a new nickname! Prunella! Thanks to Uncle Don and my inner need to keep Alexiss regular, prunes have become a staple food for at least one or two meals/snacks a day.

At her 9 month (which was actually at 10 months) doctors check up she weighed 21.13 lbs and measured 29 1/4 inches long. She's outgrowing her carry car seat so I shopped around and settled on a new big-girl car seat, it's still sitting in the house but she's loving climbing up and sitting in it. I keep wondering if she'll like it as much in the truck, since she won't be able to peep over the top to talk to me. Well, it'll only be a few months before she's allowed to be forward facing. I'm starting to understand when people say "they grow so fast", it really didn't feel like it was fast when she was a newborn, but since she's hit 9 months... she's really taken off.

There's so many new things, it's hard to list them all and remember little milestones, I really should pop in more and leave shorter updates to keep track. She wasn't very interested in walking until last week, I was trying to coax her having her face away from me, and I don't think she knew what to do, but last week I let her face and follow me... then the fun began. In only a week she's already more stable and enjoying it, so much that sometimes she'll crawl up to me and grab both of my hands to give me the hint that it's time to go a-wanderin.

Her coordination is improving greatly as well. She has now learned how to use both hands together to get something done, and has fun "putting away" her little piggy and cow into the soft barn, I say putting away in quotes because they don't stay put away for long, usually she doesn't even let go of them before pulling them out again.

Her rambles are usually one constant mumble for the day, but yesterday she started momomomom and dadadada, switching back and forth. She can also "ruff" and tries to "meow" and her mooo is more like mmmmmm, but she's working on it. It's still hard to distinguish when she's babbling or meaning to say something but I swear I've heard kitty in there too and a few more things.