Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sooo tired

Alexiss continues to sleep in increments. I've been averaging 4 to 5 hours sleep a night making the late afternoons a struggle. She's napping now, dare I try? She's got an uncanny knack for taking short naps when I try to nap with her and just as I fall asleep, she wakes.

She's starting to move around in her crib which makes The Momma a nervous sleeper. Last night she rolled onto her tummy to sleep for a short while but she seems to like sleeping on her side a bit better. I moved the baby monitor from the corner of her crib to the nightstand for safety reasons and it made me a bit sad. When it was close I would fall asleep to the rhythmic sound of her breathing but now it's too far. It was the most calming sound ever and made my heart happy.

I'm glad it's warming up so she won't need as many blankets to keep her warm and get in her way, that's one less thing to worry me so much. I swear I've never worried so much about normal everyday things. Being a Momma raises fears just a little bit higher when before I'd take what came my way.

Well, if I'm gonna try napping, I better do it now while the getting is good.

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