Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do not want!

Alexiss is now starting to push away that what she does not want, including The Momma's hands, her bottle and toys. Mark started giving her the whole bag of small toys and she actually sorts through it for that what she does want, it's so cute to see her riffling through.

I noticed a grinding noise coming from her mouth this morning, so although I cannot see or feel a top tooth all the way through, it must be through enough to produce the annoying grinding noise. I quickly gave her a toy to chew on instead and hope that it's just because it's new.

Today is a rainy chilly kinda day but it's needed, we've had fire bans in effect already, just in time for the May 2.4. weekend and Slave Lake has been whiped out by a fire. Mark is working overtime to get some Atco dorm units built for the weekend for workers in the Slave Lake area. He's got a personal connection to Slave Lake since fighting a forest fire around the town in the past. Yesterday we had to go pick up Debbie since he couldn't give her a ride. Alexiss slept most of the time because she'd not slept the night before.

I was so mad yesterday morning! I had a hard time falling asleep, Mark snoring, me trying to block it out and sleep on the couch. Then the cat decided he wanted to try to sleep with me. Comfortable...NOT! But all I kept thinking was Links's bad week last week and a weekend coming with our trip to Lake Louise. Neighbors taking care of the pets makes me nervous about Links getting out. He's quick and preys on unsuspecting people to let him out. I think it's more the game of getting out than it is about being out, and he doesn't let other people pick him up to retrieve him. How could I not let him cuddle, thinking he may not be here when we get back. I almost resorted to trying to sleep on the loveseat, but Alexiss saved me in her own way..... by not sleeping herself and making me get up. So.. up I was, tending to her from 12 midnight to 2:oo. She settled back in, then woke again at 4:oo. I got her fed and back to sleep just in time for Mark to wake up for work. Instead of "good morning", "If you wake her up, you're staying home from work and taking care of her!" flew out of my mouth before I knew what I'd said. The rest of the sleep didn't go much better, but we made it though.

Alexiss continues to give me insight into personal behavior. It always amazes me when I see a new understanding for behavior that I think most take for granted and learned early through their parents behavior, not understanding why a certain behavior is "expected" in society. The first time I saw it was when I made Mark start calling home when he expected to be late, or the odd phone call during the day "just because". Mark and I had never done either of these in the past, living more like roommates and bachelors...and liking who we were. Now I see the purpose of a man "taking care of" a women. Little things that used to rile me, damn, I can take care of myself.. Thank YOU! But something as simple as booking time at the spa in Lake Louise took a conscious effort to not keep putting aside. I finally got it done, but I pictured those old boyfriends, trying to be helpful and nice "booking me a spa day" and me being irked by it rather than feeling like they were being my "knight in shining armor". I hated to be taken care of in the past, but again, now I understand where it comes from..... because now I'm the last person I take care of, sometimes to the result of not taking care of me at all.

How many behaviors are ingrained into society with a purpose that we just think is just the way we do things? Very interesting to see and be aware of these behaviors and I'm glad I'm getting to see it. It always amazes me when I have an "a-ha" moment of self discovery of behavior driven by having a child that I used to look at society and shake my head at.

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