Sunday, May 15, 2011

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! If you're not... bite yer owner..

Short Sunday Morn update from me, there's lots going on! Seems our Lil Mizz A is driving a race car of learning this week!

We have lift off! Alexiss is getting her bum up a bit, crawling is in sight!

She now claps! I've been "helping" her clap and when I wasn't looking (and Mark was) she got the idea to use her other hand to help herself instead of waiting for the Mamma! Granted she uses the back of her other hand, much cuter that way.

She hasn't managed to get her toes in her mouth again, too much other stuff going on.

Family trip to Lake Louise is coming up quick! Next weekend we'll be hiking around Lake Louise and eating yummy food. It's the first Ryderson mini vacation with just us, without it being to see family, and Alexiss completes it and makes it a true Ryderson Vacation!

I had to finagle a trip to the vet this week. I was going to try to manage Alexiss and Links, but Mark convinced me otherwise. I'm thankful he did and Alexiss got in a good visit with Grace. Links on the other hand, didn't have such a good visit with the vet. He was ill all morning, not even keeping water down. I would've been sick with worry had I not been so busy trying to juggle everything. The vet couldn't get near him, he bit me in his don't-come-near-me dance, we had to end up sedating him to get x-rays and blood work done. Turns out he's diabetic. He's now got special food and I'm monitoring his water intake so the vet can work out if he needs insulin. The vet wants to be as hands off as possible and this is the way to do it.

Longer update later, she sleeps and I don't want to sit on the computer for too long.

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