Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bounced back!

Friday Alexiss was back to her bouncy energetic self, demanding food and more activity than just sitting in different spots in the living room. I finally relented and with a bit of apprehension and put her in her bouncer. She was HAPpy! She still had some catch up time with eating and sleeping, but today I think she's totally back to herself.

I've started trying scheduled nap times in her crib through out the day to give me a chance to get things done... and have some alone time. So far, so good. It's only been a few days and I haven't stuck to it like glue. Weekends are harder to keep things going with the extra excitement of Daddy being home. But as I type she is sleeping soundly all cozy in her crib. She still fights sleep and gives a good attempt at crying to let me know "do not want", even as her eyes get heavy, she gives one last fight and finally settles in.

She's actually playing a simple version of soccer by sitting on the floor and kicking all ball back and forth. Mark started it and she caught on quick, even using her hands to position the ball just right. She likes it so much she tries with some not-so-round toys too. Mark is a very interactive player and this is something they can do together and both can play, instead of Alexiss watching Mark play. She's been a kicker from the get-go, kicking at me when I changed her or had her in her high chair.

Last weekend when we were sick, Mark didn't know how sick we were and started our ham dinner. By the time it was cooked, I just wanted it out of the house and couldn't even look at it. So, we gave it to our neighbors, they thanked us by inviting us over for dinner last night. It was a bit hard with her still making up for being sick with naps, and of course, she decided she was hungry right as I sat down to eat. I tried to calm her enough to not make me feel rude, but in the end there were two trips home, the first to try mixing some rice cereal and bringing it back over, and then another trip with Alexiss in tow when she wouldn't eat the rice cereal and demanded formula instead. She gets so distracted that it was easier to just bring her home to feed her.

While she was sick I realized just what a great tool Skype is and how much Alexiss appreciates it too! Mom had called quickly to say hello when my Nana and Uncle were over for Easter Dinner. Because we were both sick, it was a short call.... too short for Alexiss's liking. She actually pouted when Gramma said "bye". And I noticed this week, when I fire up Skype, Alexiss got a bit happier and anticipated seeing Gramma!

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