Monday, May 2, 2011

A sharing and laughing kinda day!

Another day with napping in the crib! I dare not get used to it yet, but it's been a treat. I think Alexiss is getting better quality naps as well. The house is finally getting some much needed attention too. At this rate, I'll finally get "Thank you" cards done before her first birthday rolls around.

Today she stunned us by sharing her teething toy with Mark. She shoved it right in his mouth! Then she chewed on the other end! We laughed and she joined in the family laugh, it was one of the moments that make me feel like we can be a happy family and laugh together, instead of fighting and crying to communicate.

She also has started to mimic me. When I tickle her I make a "kkk kkkk kkk" kinda laugh and today she did the same back.... more than once.

Alexiss made herself laugh today too. She almost had her toes in her mouth, she's been working on it for awhile now. I think she was proud of herself and laughed. Of course, that didn't help her achieve her goal, but it's coming!

She was really curious when I stuck out my tongue at her, and being the Momma and wanting her to be able to explore whatever her curious mind wants to... let her touch it... and ANOTHER laugh and giggle at that!

It's 9:00 and Alexiss is already in bed. I've got a hot decaf Earl Grey waiting for me while I wait to make sure she's sleeping soundly. Perhaps tonight we'll all get a good night's sleep.... if only I could do something about Mark's snoring now. :)

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