Monday, May 9, 2011

nom nom nom buahahahah!

She's done it! And she's PROUD! She can finally get her feet to her mouth, and she's so proud of herself (she's been working hard on this one) that she giggles instead of enjoying the fruit of her labours.

Mother's Day was just the way I like it, low key and not a lot of extra hoopla. I got a card from Mark, one from Alexiss and one from my Mom that made me chuckle a little (sorry Mom, I know it was meant to be an "awwww-love-you-too-Mom, kinda response). It was just the moment, Alexiss was being fussy and my mom wrote that now, as a mom, I'd understand more of how she feels about me, the thought that popped in my head was "yep, I'm a pain in the @ss but you still love me". Not as heartfelt as I'm sure it was intended, but the word love was in there at least...right Mom? heh.

I've been letting her "help" me feed her, it's making a mess but we're having fun.... and she's learning (that's the important part).

After just under a week of successfully napping in the crib, I think I can safely say we've broken The-Mamma-Pillow habit and we've moved onto The-Mamma-gets-a-hot-tea habit.

Here's a picture of Alexiss looking at me with a "What do I do NOW?" kinda plead when she got her foam mat a little stuck on her arm.

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