Friday, January 28, 2011

Top o the mornin!

Off grocery shopping for us today and I'm feeling more confident getting out and about, it seems Alexiss makes leaps and bounds and the changes in behavior come really quickly. Maybe the more she masters her body the happier and more content she becomes, it seems like this week she's mastered reaching and touching within days and is smiling and not as frustrated with life in general. She's also showing some major thought and memory processes, instead of yelling for food like she's never been fed, she hears the kettle boiling, sees her bottle and so nicely has the patience to wait! And when we settle in for her meal she reaches to the bottle before I can get it to her. She's been touching everything and trying to explore it with her mouth.. of course there's some things that just doesn't work for.... like my foot!

She's spacing out right now to Cat Stevens on the iTouch and an application that has dancing trailing lights . She looks at me once in awhile and when I look back she gives me a smile! Yesterday while I was busy she was in her bouncer. I noticed she got quiet so I looked up and she was staring at me! Last night for down time I turned on Blue's Clues for her, I could tell all she could think was "I'm stuck in my swing" and proceeded to tell me she didn't like that part of her night. As soon as I picked her up she started squealing and show her excitement to be up to Steve, the host of Blue's Clues... something tells me she's got a crush on him! She's been talking to him too. It would seem strange but he talks to her first, he constantly talks to the camera like he was talking right to her, she LOVES it!

Today Ron and Gail arrive and meet Alexiss for the first time! Then Matt and Cindy, maybe Cindy's son Malcolm and they're bringing their new puppy, Genghis. Matt is convinced Alexiss misses him!

The assessor came to appraise the house yesterday so we can get our finances all nice and neat at one bank instead of student loans all over the place. Is it silly that I'm excited about it? We've got four student loans/lines of credit scattered across a few banks. For the sake of convenience and organization I'm going to close my CIBC bank accounts as well. I've hung onto keeping one CIBC account open, it's my very first account from my early teens! We're both closing our other bank we've got a joint account and each of us has a savings account at Scotia. Scotia has amazing saving helper.. there is a 5 dollar fee to pay for something directly out of a savings account, the idea is to force you to stop and think about spending savings, then transferring it to the joint account before spending it. It makes it a bit more difficult to use your savings and give pause to think before spending. They also do this amazing thing...when you use your bank card to pay at a store, it rounds up to the next dollar and SAVES the extra pennies in our savings account! What a fantastic idea! Since Mark is usually out daily and purchases more often I tried to switch our cards so I'd get the extra... lol.

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