Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good night I said!!!

I'm starting to see a direct relation to the amount of formula Alexiss has had all day and how easy or long and difficult bedtime is. After breaking down Sunday night because she just would not go to bed, I figured there must be something. It was a cooincidence that I started writing down and keeping track of how much she drinks in a day, but I think I've stumbled upon a "eureka" because of it. I love when things just mesh and random acts seem to combine to a solution. It's one of the things I love about working at Raytheon; pulling data and processes together, picking them apart, throwing in some random discoveries.. and voila!... it starts to add up and make sense. I don't know how I go off into the random things that will help me instead of random things that are a waste of time.. intuition perhaps?

Tonight as I struggled with the bed-time-just-go-to-sleep-already game, it started coming together. Today she was below her normal consumption and while she keeps falling asleep (making me think it's almost "me" time), as soon as I put her down she wakes within 1 to 15 minutes later. Now this is enough to drive anyone crazy and wear down patience. Sunday night it meant two cold teas and me in tears out of frustration and a feeling like my day would never end. Tonight it lead to three hours of holding Alexiss as she dozed, ate and woke up, a sore shoulder and thinking my day was done three times over. And let me tell you, after going all day I want nothing more than quiet time... did I mention Alexiss does not sleep during the day well? She naps while eating.. often giving me no sanity break during the day. So let me tell you.. I really look forward to calling it a day.

You bet your sweet bippy from now on, I'm going to continue to watch what she eats and get her close to her daily amount before I even consider and dream that it's really bedtime.

Emotionally she rebounds from a bad day well, I used to think her fighting sleep was emotional.. now I know it's physical.

Maybe.... just maybe.. this means better bedtimes after this discovery!

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