Thursday, February 3, 2011

aaaandd.... we're spent!

It was a wonderful weekend with Ron and Gail with Matt, Cindi, Malcolm and their new puppy Genghis dropping by for a bit. I gotta say Gail (and Ron too) is a killer cook! mmmm mmm! They (Ron and Gail) spoiled us rotten this weekend! Alexiss had lots of fun and is tired right out.. so am I, physically and emotionally. It's not helping that Alexiss has started waking at night again, just to keep me on my toes and not get too settled. Add a scratchy throat and I'm just praying a nap time not on the-momma, but so far, no go.

I hope Matt and Cindi enjoyed it, even if I did toss out their toothbrushes last time they stayed. Hey, at least I gave em toothpicks! We opened our new game, "Run for your life! Candyman". A fun take on Candyland where the Gingerbread markers attack each other and hit each other with damage while trying to get to the winning spot on the end of the board before being turned into a pile of crumbs. My gingerbread man was named Stinky, although I came to think he was stinky AND sticky since I couldn't seem to get ahead. Speaking of "a head" I had the fun of ripping off the gingerbread paper appendages when required (six hits on an arm, leg, head or belly), next time I make real men cookies!

Alexiss is getting more and more alert and interested in the world around her in the past week. She changes in leaps and bounds sometimes. Unfortunately, I don't think Alexiss is feeling her tip top in the past few days either and possibly has a touch of the same cold I think I'm catching. I set up the cool mist humidifiers in each room to help ease us a bit.

I'm getting lots of smiles and giggles amid the crying these past few days. She likes watching me and me watching her, which makes it hard to get stuff done around the house. She's not as happy in her highchair or playmat anymore, but she quickly figured out all the toys on her bouncer, smart girl!

I just gotta say... the medical industry has changed the recommended feeding age for babies from 4 to 6 months. They are finding it's better in the long run for their digestive system. I've had so much advice on giving her pablum.. but I'm waiting as long as possible. Alexiss is only starting to get interested in food. When she can hold her head up well and drink from her fast bottle nipples without problems, I'll consider introducing pablum and a few mashed veggies, but not until then.. and not mixed into her bottle. I know it's not uncommon and those children grew up just fine, it's just not for us. With all my digestive issues I'm sensitive to a bad digestive system and want to give Alexiss every advantage to mature her system and body to a point where she can handle it without a doubt. Babies up to a year get all their nutrients from formula anyway, the first 9 months to a year is all about play and experimenting with food more than them "needing it". Mom gave me a great book that has advice and some starting recipes that will come in super handy!

God helps those who help themselves. We didn't get as much for a consolidation loan as we'd hoped... but we can still swindle it and not have extra bank accounts and line-of-credits hanging around. We put in for RRSPs and our companies give us stock, we should be able to just reach our goal by not touching our RRSP and using our stocks instead. Perhaps that's better in the end anyway, that way some is paid off instead of just transferred to another line of credit. Funny how life always gives us just what we need and although disappointing at the time it leads us to something else better.

Off to start a day. Whew, I'm tired already....

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