Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Hello, me.. again, second year in a row, pretty impressive, eh? I don't really want anything this year since 1) I have fun playing with stuff like diapers, humidifiers and anything else that doesn't fit the "toy" description and b) there's nothing I really really want... well, except for the Baby Einstein CDs Momma lost a month or so ago.

It's been a good year overall, lots of learning and getting frustrated, and oh, those teeth! But these days I'm dancing, doing my own seat belts up and sleeping (most nights). That's being good, right? Can I still be on your "nice" list if I'm not asking for anything?

Travel safe, I'm sure I'll have a list for you next year! Oh, and tell the Reindeer they can have my carrots... uck.


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