Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dear Lil Mizz A

My dearest baby girl

I hope this is one of many letters I write to you over the years. I'm writing because time passes so quickly and there's always going to be things I forget to say, or things that I don't have time to say, or even times I say it and you aren't in the mind frame to take it all in. So I'm using your blog as a place to leave little notes to you that can be looked at in the years and decades to come.

There's lots to say already, so much advice, words of love and a need to protect you, but one day those words will come, today all I want you to know is that, no matter what.. I love you. I've been saying it to your Dad for years and meant it, and the same goes for you. As you grow, explore and make decisions, know that I'll be standing behind you, giving you strength to make those decisions the best you can at the time and trusting each decision will bring you to where you need to be in life. Through watching other moms with older children it looks to me like a mother's love is sometimes hard to show because of our hopes and dreams for our little ones, but no matter what my first reaction is to anything that happens. Know that, no matter what... I love you.

You'll find people who may try to steer you certain ways out of love, my love has always been and always will be different. I will listen, I will ask question and I'll try to guide you to finding your own answers before telling you what I think those answers should be. It's just the way I'm made, and doesn't mean that either way of loving is wrong, it just is.

So remember, no matter what... I love you!

Love Always

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