Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dear Alexiss

You are doing so well! After being sick for a week, you're finally getting some much needed sleep. Boy did we all get a bit cranky, eh? I'm sorry I get impatient sometimes. I have a hard time keeping up to you some days, so full of life and wonder, while I'm old and sometimes too set in my ways. From the time you were born, our lives have drastically changed from acting like an old retired couple, almost boring in our contentment, to spending our time caring, sharing and playing, laughing and exploring the world again.

This is a good time to remind you to take care of yourself when caring for others. Don't use me for an example right now. The healthier you are in mind, heart and spirit, the more you can selfishly give to others in their times of need without burning yourself out. You also provide better care when you're in top shape yourself. And you never know when someone will need you to care for them, hopefully it's not your old parents too often.

The speed that you learn amazes me, and you surprise us every day. It reminds me of a quote I found online some time ago:

Don't worry that children never listen to you, worry that they are always watching you.
Robert Fulghum

This week you patted your head when Daddy asked you about your bed head, who knew! But we're onto you now that we know you're starting to understand things! I can't help but laugh when you bring me your bottle and iTouch to tell me you want to take a nap. At this rate, you won't need to talk for a long time. Today you pointed to an apple, and when I gave it to you, you munched on it whole! Later in the day you picked up something you thought was garbage and brought it to the cupboard, opened the cupboard and put the garbage in the garbage can! Not to mention how much you're liking using the potty, even if it only is playing sometimes.

Keep learning kiddo, you're doing great, you will do great, no matter what you end up doing in life. You are you, and that's good enough for me.


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