Friday, December 30, 2011

How I spent my winter vacation

It all started with a light bouncy step as I left work to pick up Mark's Christmas present, I was looking forward to some good food, laughs and...extra sleep. Boy did I get that all wrong! Alexiss came down with a fever on Christmas Eve day and company had to almost fend for themselves, it's a good thing I managed to get the lasagna made and oven ready or they'd only have tons of garlic bread and salad to muster up.

For Christmas dinner we ended up with ham and eggs cooked by Matt, super yummy and super appropriate, since the crock pot with the turkey cooked cycled off sometime during the day and wasn't cooked in the least. Whoops. It's something to add to the turkey dinner stories at least, everyone's got one. :)

Well, it's now the 30th and Alexiss is still sick, temperature is gone, rash been and gone, now it's the residual runny nose and coughing keeping us all on edge. She's finally getting her appetite back too, I think me chasing her around with food and pedialyte annoyed her and Mark enough for her to concede.

Poor girl, I remember getting sick often on holiday's as well, it's no fun at all. New great toys and no energy to really play, the fun and games the past few days has been all about shoes.. putting on our shoes, on her, on us.. walking around, taking them off. Oh yes, a real barrel of laughs, even better after she figured out today how to open the front shoe closet, uh-huh.. no hiding away her favorite plaything of the week.. *sigh*

Well, off to knit.

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