Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two weeks Home

This is my second week home with Alexiss on an almost full time basis and we haven't killed each other yet. Although, Alexiss has shown talent as an interrogator, using sleep deprivation as a tactic. Poor girl, poor me, she continues to wake through the night, although it seems she's transitioning from a 3:00 am wake-up to a 1:00 am wake-up, and yes, the transition meant a few nights with both! I used to be able to catch up on weekends but she's started crying or making her way to the closed bedroom door and it's enough to stir me out of sleep, after a few attempts I've given in to just waking up.

We tried potty training last week with a successful morning and not so successful afternoon. Instead of adding the trama of making it a fight, I relented and we're back to diapers. Mind you, I'm fortunate enough that she's been pooping in the toilet for months. Part of me relenting was to ensure she doesn't revert into pooping in her diaper as well. I know it seems a little early, but she's really not enjoying her diapers anymore. Oh well, I thought I'd give it a go and... it didn't. We'll try again some other time, when she's watched Elmo's Potty video a few more times and we can sing the songs together. heh.

Thanks to I've had some fun things to do... for Alexiss and for Mark. There's all kinds of home organization ideas, Do it Yourself projects and great ideas for kids including crafts and sensory play. A few weeks ago I had no idea what "sensory play" was! It was just play-doh, messy fun and exploring! They have a name for everything these days, even visiting friends is now "play dates". The moms around here must think I'm so out of touch!

Yesterday we had fun playing with baking soda and colored vinegar, fizz fizz fizz.

Well, I know we announced upon her birth that she's a girl, and sometimes she is.... when it comes to hair and getting nail polish on her toes, her untaught love of pink, but sometimes the tomboy comes out and the rocks go into her pockets, the dirt goes onto her face and anything gets climbed. What a great balance!

Oh.. and I'm sad to say "belbows" is now "elbows". It's tough, I know as a parent it's my responsibility to grow her and let her grow, she can't say "belbow" forever! I mean, what would her first boyfriend think!

We had company a few weekends ago, Mark's good friend Ryan, his wife Linda and their 21 month old, Violet! What a fun weekend, doing nothing and everything. We went to a park in Strathmore and played in the leaves.

Whew, so much to tell, but I don't want to ramble too much, I mean.. you poor people have to READ it all! So, now onto pictures and maybe, just maybe I'll get better at updating more often with little tidbits. Like last week, when she was at Bev's, I guess the toy of the day was the shower! Alexiss and Aurora would get into the shower and pretend to wash, then get out and giggle. Of all the toys.... the shower! Or how last week at the grocery store, she was getting fidgety, so I gave her a noisy box of alpha pasta to shake shake shake... and when that got boring, without me catching on, she opened it and started to munch on the uncooked pasta. She was thoroughly enjoying it... and the cashier got a kick out of it too, even amid the A's and B's that fell to the floor! And I swear... I had just fed her before we left! Or the night Mark left the cap to her bottle on the night stand, upon her 3:00 wake-up, she so coyly pointed to her bottle cap and shrugged her shoulders, bewildered as to where her bottle was. I couldn't help but indulge her in a little night time snack after laughing.

Okay, now I'll give your poor eyes a break and a treat!

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