Sunday, September 16, 2012

Growing Pains?

Yes, having a child is painful,

...and mah belleh did grow!

...and I still get the odd twinge were I had the cesarian, but

...that was a long time ago, seems like ages ago and time does heal.

...for now, I'm not talking about giving birth

......or the bonks, headbutts, and fat lips.... the hair pulling, the pokes in the eye, the small finger up my nose (quite the nose bleed too!), the not-so-gentle caresses, the tickles that don't tickle yet, or the headaches from lack of sleep .... then there's the sore feet from all the outside walks (in slippers, because a fast bounce on the trampoline in the backyard never ends there, it ends up being a walk around the neighborhood.... not to mention the painful view I'm sure I am for neighbors.

...or the sore hips from sleeping on the floor beside her bed, not to mention sore neck. And before the floor, it's the rocking, which starts out in a comfortable position, but it never ends that way, and with her drifting off to sleep, I dare not move, holding my legs up like they are still crossed... but really... they aren't.

Anyway, I could go on about it forever, but that's not the point of today's post... growing pains is. Or rather, you tell me.

Alexiss has been having fun pointing and tickling "belbows" (elbows), today she decided that her belbows and arms needed a little Calamine lotion slathered on them. Me being the Momma that I am, happily obliged. What started out as her belbow, turned into her arm, wrists and palms. Once slathered, she was much happier indeed! I started wondering if she's been having growing pains and remembered how the Calamine lotion helped her insect bites.

Then there's the pain of a short walk turning into a looooonnnggg walk. Tonight, true to form, a quick backyard bounce turned into a walk around the neighborhood, I was smart enough put on pants (instead of pajama bottoms) and shoes this time!  We walked out for about 5 mins, then to get home... I swear it took me all kinds of tricks; Oh, Alexiss, look at THIS rock (10 steps ahead). Oh, Alexiss, can you walk like THIS? (backwards). Oh, Alexiss, aren't you getting hungry yet? (rumble rumble goes my tummy). Oh, Alexiss... well, they weren't all "Oh Alexiss" some were "kiddo", some were "Bubba", some were "AliAliAli" and the one that seems to get her attention lately is "Oh Little Miss!".

Today's mid-day bounce was with Dad, and thanks to an idea I saw on, Alexiss had a fun wonderful time using chalk on the trampoline, still remembering the plane from earlier and happy to share the story, Alexiss rambled away and had lots of fun. If you listen close (cup your ear), you may hear Alexiss's rendition of what a pig says. I'm afraid she's going to loose it because neither Mark nor I can do it.

Today's earlier "bounce" resulted in us standing in the backyard, just listening. No pain at all, it was really kinda sweet and made my heart smile. We watched a plane fly overhead with our hands cupped at our ears. We watched it soar until it disappeared. Then the train "tooted" and we listened. Are you waiting for me to say there was a head butt involved? lol. Not today, but maybe tomorrow, who knows what tomorrow brings. Tonight brings a bath to get off all the pink on her arms.... 

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