Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Time to face facts

I think I have to resolve to face facts... Alexiss just isn't a good sleeper. In talking to other Moms with multiple kids, it's just the way it is sometimes and Alexiss isn't a good enough talker to tell me what's going on yet. I've tried food sensitivities, I've trying different down time lengths, different bed times. I've left her lamp on with a soft blue light in it, I've tried darkness, I've tried white noise.. no noise...I even tried putting the sweater I was wearing over her for a blanket last night, thinking it would have my smell and comfort her a bit. Silly, yes, but it tells you how creative and open minded I'm being.. and tells you just how many things I've been trying.

I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve, but I just may have to get it in my head that this is the way it's going to be and be thankful for the good nights, and try to help Alexiss through the rough nights. Getting to sleep can be a problem, but for that, there's a method, it's the staying asleep that I'm out of ideas for. So I'll continue with walking her back to her room and settling her back in and I've got to work on my own sleep pattern and insomniac ways to sneak in a few more hours each night.

I don't want to start asking her what it is that's waking her and use specific words to  put ideas in her head, I'd rather wait until she can voice it and make me understand.  It could be something like a noise, a light.. a dream. Who knows.

The phrase of the week, "Uh oh, wot happend?" with a cute shrug of her shoulders. That's not a spelling mistake, that's exactly how it sounds. She even did it last night on one of her waking spells, half asleep. She drifted off quickly after, making me wonder if this is kinda like a wakeful sleepwalking thing.

We have snow, yes, SNOW! Alexiss refused to go out for a few days when it started. I even brought in a bowl of snow to show her and let her explore the newness of it in the comfort of a warm house. No go. She went as far as to move away from the bowl of snow and look at it in disgust. heheheheh. Now she has fun going outside and kicking the snow, there's been a few chilly puddles to jump in to. When she gets cold, we come inside for a "hot juice". I get a coffee or tea and I've been treating her to a little mug of Latte. The best part of the cold was always coming inside for a hot chocolate and feeling the warmth radiate to all my cold parts.

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