Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First things first.. and other things next

A blog of all blogs, lots to tell from the past few days but sleep won out...until today. So while Ali naps, I'll try to include it all in one. The sleep saga continues, last night Ali was up at 11:00, 3:00 and then for good at 7:00. We're going to get her a more firm bed/mattress and I hope Mark will help me with some food sensitivity testing. Well, the cat's on the desk chair, so I'm perched at the kitchen table, chilly, tired a little achy and wanting to nap, but.. I have so much to tell!

Today was a special Mom and Tots day thanks to a few moms and Agrium, the moms were treated to a first aid day and left with amazing first aid kits:

There's a small kit included as well, thanks to them, I can now replace my make-shift kit in the diaper bag with a real one! I can't believe the stuff inside, normal first aid stuff plus some non typical stuff like some emergency candles, a flash light and one of those shiny tin-foilish emergency blankets! This was my week for snacks and because it was going to be a bit longer of a session, I decided to make sandwich wraps. I always stress and question what I decide to make for people, thank goodness they were a hit! I made a few of many flavors so everyone could pick; Egg, Ham and Cheese, Nutella and banana, cream cheese dipped in butter and rolled in cinnamon sugar, cucumber and laughing cow, ham and cheese and turkey with cranberry. Whew!

Okay, pretend this is yesterday's blog entry, k?

Pretty Cold and Pretty

It's official, Ali doesn't like snow. So we stayed inside and made ourselves pretty and took it easy. Ali got into one of my make up palette's and I let her go with it, it was a light pink and I didn't see it doing much harm. Even if her cheeks weren't rosy from the cold, they were from the make up!

Okay, one more blog entry to go....

Booed and Boo Hoo-ed

This weekend was full of treats! Ron and Gail came for a visit, cooked some super yummy food and gave Ali her birthday presents! 

A neighbor started a community game where you "Boo" your neighbors. I think we were close to the beginning of it. So, the rule is, you get boo-ed (a bag of candy, a poem and a cute print out sign), then you have to Boo two neighbors. The print outs are found online at http://www.beenbooed.com/ or do a search, there's tons of different templates. So we... ate the candy, put up the "We've been booed" sign on the door so we won't get booed again, grabbed some candy at the store and made bags up, printed out the sign and poem and BOOED two neighbors. The idea is to see how quick it can spread through the neighborhood. I haven't noticed many more, but then again, with Ali not wanting to go out in the snow... we don't get too far.

You may notice a bit of a fat lip in the close ups above, Ali continues to learn the hard way about climbing on stuff and exactly what gravity is. A true scientist! Learning through experimenting. I could live without the big experiments though.  I try to keep an eye on her to steer her away from the big falls and climbs, this one wasn't that high, but she didn't want to let go of her new Horse to catch herself. I was mad at myself, mad at Mark... but then I realized that stuff like this just happens sometimes.

You may start to hear me saying "Ati" instead of "Ali". Her playmate, Lauren, cannot say Ali and it come out "Ati", I didn't think much of it, well, I did think it was cute, but that was as far as it went. It wasn't until Ryan, Linda and their 21 month old daughter, Violet, came to stay that it started to stick. Violet also called Alexiss "Ati".. and you know, she kinda likes it! heh.

Whew, so, 40 min into Ali's nap .....

One more thing: Needle in a Haystack! 

Some of you have probably heard me ramble about starting a yarn store from home amid the planning to leave full time work. It's slow going for sure, but last week I tried to become a distributor for one of my favorite supply company, Knit Picks. Their online request form asked for a license number... I got no further. You see, as a small home run business, I don't need a GST/HST Business number until my sales go over $30,000 a year, accountants recommend waiting since getting one before really complicates things around tax time, more forms, etc. Add that in rural Wheatland County the County doesn't like to give out licenses to home run businesses... and really... I don't have proof to places that I'm a legit business. Anyway, I emailed Knit Picks and they haven't totally said no yet! They wanted some information and pictures and are still considering letting me carry their yarn and supplies. This would also put me on their list of retail stores! yay! So, since I had to take some pics, here they are: 

Okay, 50 min into Ali's nap.... now I'm off to either knit or contact GarnStudio yarns to see if they're interested in letting me become a distributor for them. Toodles!

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