Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Ryderson Flu. :(

Alexiss and I have been ill since Sunday and our carpet will never be the same. For her it started with one round of puking during the day on Sat, but she was fine after that. Then I started Sunday afternoon and she followed me Sunday night. One trip to emerg late Sunday night and we thought we had her turned around for the better. Poor Mark started being ill Sunday night at emerg with her. I couldn't even go because I wasn't well enough. Add on a mild cold with the stomach flu and it's been a tough week for all of us. Poor Mark, had to get out the carpet steamer twice on Sunday and clean up after us. I've never been so violently ill with a stomach flu.

The days seem to be a bit better than the nights. Today I thought she'd finally come out of it, but we just had some residual small spit up and diarrhea. Send good thoughts our way please.

This is really testing my faith that everything happens for a reason, I've always trusted what struggles come my way, but I'm not so trusting with struggles coming Alexiss's way. I find when I used to simply take what life threw me and prayed for the strength and courage to face whatever it is, I'm praying for specifics for Alexiss.

I'm tired and sick, she's tired of being sick and doesn't understand. It's so hard trying to pace her food when she's hungry and I can't explain to her that she'll get more in a short while if she keeps it all in. Last night after she's puked and dry heaved we gave her the rest of the Zofan that the Drs gave Mark. She hated it, she cried and I was really having a time. But we did it, and she finally slept at 1:30..until 3:30.

Here comes another night, I pray all goes well and her tummy doesn't give her problems tonight. Poor kid is still alert but she's getting less and less energetic. I've been living on Gatorade for 4 days and she's been living on half the amount of forumla. If I knew she was going to take a turn today, I'd have called the Dr and brought her in. But, we'll get through. And if tonight turns ugly, I'll be taking her in again.

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