Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ouch ouch ouch

Alexiss just got her first "no-tap" after pulling the hair at the nape of my neck for two weeks and me saying "don't pull" and "let go", sometimes in a loud growl (well, it hurts!!!). She would sometimes stop after a few repeats, but today was the last straw. She didn't like it much at all...but she stopped for the time being. I think she'll heed my growls a little more in the future. Poor kid..

It's been so bad that at the beginning of this week, I actually got the lead outta my arse to call and make an appt for a haircut this weekend instead of just taking the scissors and grabbing a bunch of hair and cutting it as short as I could (without seeing what I was doing).

We went into Strathmore today to take care of some banking and grocery shopping to pick up stuff for chicken soup for dinner for three. I'm keeping with trying to remember to put shoes on her, she fits size 3 for now, but not for long I think. The woman at the grocery store insists to help me out with my groceries, no matter how small the bag, to get in a bit of a gab. How horrible, I don't even know her name...I must look next time. She tells me about her only child, a daughter aged 13, and loves to say hello to Alexiss.

I couldn't let the impulse go after looking into hazelwood this morning so I ordered a hazelwood and amber necklace for Alexiss and a bracelet for Mark and I, I'll let you know how they work out.

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