Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm a bigger girl now!

We just got home from Moms and Tots in Carseland, which usually means a nap for Alexiss. One hour playing and watching other kids zonks her right out. So I'm taking this time to update her blog. It really seems like I've slowed down, but rest assured, Alexiss hasn't slowed one bit! She's rolling and playing and smiling and..yes..still crying, but she's still as adorable as ever and her two teeth smile never fails to be contagious and make me smile too.

She's still fitting into her 6 month outfits, but barely, so I broke out all the 9 month sized outfits/sleepers. I also thought I should start putting shoes on her feet instead of just using sleepers under her pants and jackets or trying to keep socks on her feet. There was a lady in the line up at the store when I bought three pairs who said it's good to start now so she'll get used to it. I never thought of it that way..sheesh, at this rate she's always gonna want to be barefoot! I'd be okay with that, heck, I'm not a shoe fan, if it wasn't for the doggy doo in the back yard. And why is it now, with a little one...everyone..everywhere.. thinks I'm social and talk to me. Perfect strangers before more than happy to ignore me are now striking up conversations. It's a change for me, but in actual fact, it's nice to exchange smiles and chats instead of simply standing..waiting to pay. It's part of the reason people like small communities.

Okay, she's waking and is most likely a'hungry.

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