Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's not easy bein green!

Specially if you're a vegtable and on Alexiss's "try" list. Seems she's opposed to eating green. Peas are tolerable, but barely. Avocado is a definite make-your-body-quiver-and-make-you-yell-"ack" kinda way, broccoli wasn't a hit either. The nurse we saw on Thursday said to try things 15 times before deciding Alexiss doesn't really like it. I will try again...not so sure on the 15 time thing though. Squash was a big hit to my amazement! Banana's and apples with cinnamon are edible, the rice cereal and oatmeal are doing good, peas and carrots are okay but not a favorite. Oh! And water out of her sippy cup confuses her still, but she's liking it for the most part. She still gets all the nutrients she needs from her formula, this is more about learning and experiementing.. but now to balance it out with some protein. Today on the menu is garbanzo beans (chick peas)....well.... at least it's not green. *snicker*

We had her 6 month check-up and her 6 month shots this week on Wednesday and Thursday. All is good! She is 18 pounds and 26 inches!

Oh! I have to do a tooth check today, another one came out on the bottom and Mark thinks he feels one on the top. She's not a fan of showing off her new pearly whites yet!

I just went through her clothes again, the 6 month sleepers are juuuust fitting. It's wonderful that we had so many different sizes gifted to her, it's definitely helped and I haven't had to really shop for clothes yet. I did notice the summer stuff is out now though, I'll have to learn to shop ahead.... or knit really quick!

Mark's been getting tons of smiles this week, he must be more fun than me this week. heh. Sure sure, I take her for her shots, feed her, stick her in the truck two days in a row (she hates the sound of the doors shutting in the truck) and feed her....what's fun in that? heh.

Well, the house is sleeping, I've got soup starting and groceries to try a cheesecake recipe out. It's a challenge now to find a good cheesecake recipe that doesn't take like cool-whip jello pie! Gotta get moving!

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