Monday, December 27, 2010

Ho Ho Hold yer own bottle

We all had a great Christmas and wore Alexiss out. Mark is off work this week and enjoying a vacation (hehehe, I've had him hard at work at home). At the snap of your fingers it seems Alexiss grows into the next phase of babyhood! Sitting up and wiggling or bouncing around is her most favorite thing to do. Daddy is super talented in "wiggle bums" and it never fails to make Alexiss smile.

Oh my goodness, the clothes she got! They are all so cute that I'll have to turn this blog into a fashion show! Christmas day was spent on Skype with grandparents and opening presents. Mark swooped her up and changed her a few times to show her outfits off. Here's the pile of presents before we started opening them, even Alexiss was stunned wondering what she's going to do!

I can't say again how helpful it's been having Mark home and having the luxury of sleeping in for three mornings in a row. Of course, I worry a little. Yesterday it was feeding time and Mark generously offered to take that round, I turn around to this:

The adorable stuffy is from Uncle Gerry and Aunt Jacqueline and is so soft and grabbable that it's quickly becoming a favorite. Poor thing is already slobbered on!

And later that day I turn around to this:

Yep, that's a remote in her hand. Next thing you know she'll be flipping through netflix selections and starting in the fridge with the door open looking for something better to eat.

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