Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Brave Little Alexiss!

Mark is tickled and wanted to share that Alexiss now tries to hold her own bottle sometimes during her feedings. She's not strong enough to do it all herself but I sure appreciate the help and initiative!

Our brave little girl had her first immunization shots yesterday. She's my daughter for sure, doing the exact opposite of what's expected! She's been sleeping since without a hint of a fever. She has been a little fussy during her waking moments and I'm giving her lots of love and cuddling. No complaints from her about soreness where they put the needle in.

She was so great on the truck ride into Strathmore but got fussy during the nekkid "measure baby" portion of the visit. She's a whooping 12 lbs 14 oz, she's gained a total of 6 lbs since being born, almost doubling her weight! Then the poor girl wasn't allowed to dress so I swaddled her in a blanket and kept her warm. She was really fussy at this point and all the nurse wanted to do was "chat" while Alexiss and I just wanted to get on with the show so to speak. Of course Alexiss settled and quieted right before the needles, the nurse seemed oblivious to her moods or at least disregarded them and didn't adapt and go with the flow. I sped her along and jumped in to interrupt her ramble and excessive concerns with postpartum depression to get back to the real reason we were there.

What is usually a negative experience has a silver lining, as they always do. I've always felt through the hardships we grow the most and come to paths we wouldn't get to through being "happy" all the time. Through this we've seemed to bond more; me through respecting her independence being an individual coupled with admiration for her blossoming personality and the way she's faced her first real negative life experience (aside from her abrupt "I'm not ready" entry into the world) and I feel from her that she's gained trust in me by being able to count and lean on me to comfort her and not taking it as something I "did" to her.

So here I sit, cuddling a sleepy Alexiss. It breaks my heart a little knowing she's not feeling well and she's really not being herself, but I'm so proud of her being brave yesterday during the shots and now while not feeling well.

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