Thursday, December 9, 2010

These are the things I know, I know.. these are the things I know

  • Peas cannot be good for us, they smell too much like baby poo to be healthy. Kinda like the opposite as corn
  • Cheaper is sometimes better. Pampers are super thin, there's more in a package AND they passed the poop test.
  • Cheaper is sometimes better. My Compliments wipes are a bit rougher. You'd think this was bad but the result is better bum cleaning and coming out of the dispenser better.
  • Just because a baby sleeps through the night for two weeks and graduates to smacking her lips when hungry.. does not give reason to put the past behind. Just when you let down your guard and get used to these new habits.. things have a way of creeping back to crying when hungry and waking crying and hungry every 3 hours.
  • Netflix is great when you don't have cable!
  • The most embarrassing part of motherhood is not lack of personal hygiene, my sagging still-look-pregnant belly or the baby's lack for need of privacy for bodily functions, or not being able to put on your own underwear after a c-section... it's the state of distress the house is in and the horrible push to clean it before you clean yourself.
  • The most rewarding thing about motherhood are those smiles and coos and being the one person that can calm the baby after your partner laughs too loud and scares her into a crying fit. Well, being able to calm her when no one else seems to have the right moves.
  • Boogies are rewarding too! When Alexiss finally sneezes out that huge booger and I'm soo happy for her.
  • Batteries are expensive and don't last near as long in kids toys as they do in the remote, clock radio..etc. Kid's stuff are battery killers!
  • Being stuck on the couch all day is not as much fun and as relaxing as it seems, specially as I said before the house and my person are a mess. As long as little Alexiss is sleeping, eating in a clean diaper and not craving attention (aka: not cranky) then I'm a success at my new job, this is more tiring than 8 hours staring at numbers and tables on a computer.
  • I drop way too many things. Putting things away and cleaning means they aren't easily accessible carrying a baby and trying to do things one handed. I should ask Santa for one of the reaching grabby claw arm things. At least that way I'd have two hands again, four or six would be even better!
  • Eating and finishing a meal can really be a 2 hour affair. I'd give my Nana a run for her money these days!
  • Mommy brain is simply from trying to multitask and rushing to get stuff done when the baby finally gives us a few moments. Again.. personal hygiene isn't a top priority.
  • A smile in the morning IS the best way to wake up, or to be greeted with first thing.
  • A good nap IS amazing for a cranky mood, adult and baby alike.
Off to cooking, eating, cleaning, washing dishes and starting a laundry before I run out of time! Love to all!

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