Monday, September 3, 2012

Last long weekend, Summer 2012

As a family, we saw the last of summer out with a bang.... and boy and I tired! I bought Alexiss some early birthday presents to help keep her busy, a small tote for water play and pouring practice indoors, some play doh AND some washable finger paints. Whew... then all the walks and trip to the park on top of it all!

We've been sleeping through most nights again but trying to figure out just what the reason.. is a hard thing to nail down. It could be the full piece sleepers again, it could be that the nights have cooled, it could be drinking more water during the day (which means less at night), it could be less outside time now that I'm home more, it could've been teething, it could've been growing pains. Who knows, but whatever it is.. I'll take it. Smart as a whip that little girl! She can pick out what she wants to watch on netflix, play DJ on the iPad and is starting to communicate well as far as telling us where to sit beside her as she plays, and telling me what she doesn't want for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks.

My modified work schedule.. didn't work. So I'm finally taking life by the horns and resigning to start the business from home that I've had in my head for 4 or 5 years. A woman in the neighborhood refinished her barn into a meeting/arts and crafts building and has been looking for a knitter for a few years, so... here I go! A local yarn store it is! I've got the room visualized, the furniture picked out and know some of what I want to stock, and the flyer is made for the drop in knitting nights at the refinished barn (no where near enough room at home). On Friday Alexiss and I went into town to talk to the woman that's done our taxes for years, about what I need to do to get registered and a license. When I tried to give my notice at work, my bosses wanted to discuss if they could offer me a leave of absence instead, I'll find out more on Tuesday, but either way... come the end of Sept I'll be a stay at home, work from home Mom. It's been a tough year and I've held tightly to the old me while trying to incorporate the new me and the new life, it's okay, but I know I don't have the brainpower to play and have fun, let alone grow as a person. So I finally realized it was time to let the old go and grasp the new for all that it's worth. The store doesn't need to be super successful, just enough to bring in some extra money and give me a grown up outlet. I sure hope I can manage being a full time mom again, it's the toughest job out there and I do tend to sometimes get impatient with the constant demands. Hey, who knows, maybe I'll even get to mop the floor more often!

 Oh my goodness! Pinterest! Need I say more? Okay, for some of you.. probably. It's a website with a simple concept, people create albums and "pin" everything and anything from pictures to how they'd like to refinish a room, to do it yourself home tips, gardens, hair and nails.... quotes.. you name it, you can pin it. I've found so many great ideas for the house and for play ideas for Alexiss, and home made recipes for bubbles, toothpaste and playdoh with koolaid coloring. I've been spending way too much time looking and pinning, but honest... it's all good stuff!!!!

Okay, time to sweep and mop as Alexiss naps. This is the second thing on my to do list so I better get going. Here's our fun filled action packed day yesterday. Alexiss helped me clean out my yarn stash, I made a "de-stash" basket so people can trade old yarns they don't use or need, kinda the same as "take a penny, need a penny" trays. Then we went to play at the park, then home to finger paints!

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