Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sweet summer days

Alexiss continues to fight going to bed, strange thing though, she goes down for naps super easy. Tonight...was a good night, it seems there's about one a week where she doesn't fight it and drifts off peacefully without ten thousand "close your eyes and go to sleep"s. I swear, I know paybacks are sweet, but when she gets to be a teen and sleeps in... ima sleepin in right along with her and enjoying every moment of it! It's been quite the month; lots of new sweet sounding words, a wedding in PEI, a beach and meeting cousins for the first time, the flu while away... and... yes... are you ready... a date night this coming Friday for The Momma and Dada! We're going golfing.. or rather.. Mark is golfing and I'm driving the cart. It's something we haven't done in 2 years and a great way to start a weekend. I hope all the pictures and videos don't bog down your computer too much, but they are too cute and I've just gotta share them. Alexiss is really becoming her own little person and in her eyes... she's the coolest, bravest kid around the block! Somehow... I think she's right! This weekend we went into Strathmore to their Heritage Day Festival and rodeo. We didn't watch the rodeo but did walk around the grounds for a bit. This is the first time seeing animals up close and personal. Alexiss was interested but a little hesitant and happy to watch the other kids cram their way in past her. Here's Alexiss at the beach in PEI, she had so much fun! Playing with her in the waves are Aunt Teresa and cousins Megan and Erica.. and Dada of course! ...just hanging out at home. See? Cool kid, eh? And now for super cute pictures!!!!

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