Monday, September 3, 2012

Alexiss gets a pillow! My pillow!

So tonight, I asked Alexiss if she wanted a pillow in her bed.... She looked at me for a few seconds, grabbed mine and ran to her room, threw my pillow in her bed and looked at me with a huge smile!

.... now to keep checking on her to make sure she's okay. Ack, it's tough to let her grow up and not be overly worried!

Today Mark and Alexiss went outside as I was trying to rouse from sleeping in late.. and trying to tidy up too... I looked out the window to see Mark jumping on the trampoline and Alexiss sitting at her small picnic table, sippy cup in hand, watching Mark. I found out later, through Mark, that she'd directed Mark to get on the trampoline as she was getting off, such a good dad, he obliged. 

Mark's a pro at matching dance moves on the Backyardigans show. He had me in stitches tonight!

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