Sunday, February 13, 2011

I found it!

  • I found my bounce! T-I-doubleG-RRRR!
  • I found my toes! Next Ima gonna EAT 'EM!
  • I found my voice! It's not just for crying anymore!
  • I found the Mamma's nose! And eyes, and eyebrows!
  • I found the carpet! Next I'm gonna have to learn to unsee the carpet

Sorry for the lack of updates, I had a really bad cough/cold last week.

I found my toes! Next Ima gonna EAT 'EM!
I found the Mamma's nose! And eyes, and eyebrows!
Yep, Alexiss now loves to sit and play "timber" (because she can't sit for long on her own), sitting up and falling over is good for 10 minutes of amusement after a diaper change, then we lie on the bed together and roll around for a bit. She takes time to reach out and touch my face, she's very gentle! She also likes playing with her toes and gets a look in her eye that she really wants to put them in her mouth.

I found the carpet! Next I'm gonna have to learn to unsee the carpet
During the week she was rolling over on her side and this weekend she surprised us by flomping onto her belly. She can't quite roll back over on her back yet, but she's enjoying the play mat in a new way.

I found my voice! It's not just for crying anymore!
Alexiss has been talking more and more, while playing and even mumbling to me when she's eating. Very cute! Of course I agree with whatever she is saying with an "mm-mm".

I found my bounce! T-I-doubleG-RRRR! (in my bouncer)
Boing, boing, boing! She quickly mastered the toys on her bouncer and discovered just how to bounce in it, what a workout she must get! Even when she's had enough and Mark or I go to pick her up out of it...she gets in a few more bounces.

We're not sure yet what or if we will shorten her name on a day to day basis. Gramma calls her Lexy (or is it Lexi..). We've been using her full name, Alexiss, or Little Star. Mark sometimes calls her Little Ryder and I've still been using Bubba. Mark tried on the nickname Allie this weekend and it sounded sweet coming from him.

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