Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Family Day!

From the first time we sat around and drank tea with Mom in the kitchen Mark was immediately family to me, but now we are three.

Mark took and extra long weekend for Family Day. We got Monday off, but Mark treated us to Friday too! We both love having him around to play. Alexiss was so worn out, she was screaming for bed at 7:00 last night! It took awhile to figure that one out, bed time is usually around 9! She was eating like a fiend and then cried for more. She drank 6 oz in a short time so she could sleep for the night, she usually drinks under 4 in a sitting.

On Friday I went into Calgary for a car service appt. and Mark stayed home with Alexiss. Silly, but what did I do with my time but go to work to visit! It was great to get to catch up with everyone! I went to Toy R Us too and bought Alexiss a Sophie Giraffe. Oma had mentioned it long ago and I wouldn't have believed how much kids love it if I wouldn't have seen it myself. It's just the right size for kids and the bumpily ears and antlers are great for teething babes. There is an issue with Sophie's legs being a choking hazard, but I can assure, she won't get left alone with it for it to be an issue.

It's official, Alexiss doesn't like cloth diapers. Yesterday I thought I'd try to transition to them, but Alexiss had a different idea. She likes a clean dry bum, who can blame her, so unless I change her every hour cloth will mean a cranky baby..and that's no fun.

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