Sunday, February 1, 2015

After the rush of Christmas and Colds...

The rush of Christmas and Colds is dwindling down enough to update. I do have a few updates drafted up but I'm still working on them. Today I started working on a chart for Alexiss. Some moms use stickers, marbles or ladders with numbers that change depending on their behavior, I decided to also teach Alexiss the value of earning money. At a young age she's already respecting that things cost money but she doesn't understand where that money comes from.

It was a wonderful Christmas spent with friends and family. I worked hard to get the guest room downstairs into a welcoming space. We moved the Tassimo coffee maker downstairs and got a used bar fridge so guests that want a coffee before facing us can hide in their own space. It's still not completely how I envision it but I was happy to have the mattresses on a bedframe off of the floor with some nice finishing touches like having the computer password in a nice frame as well as some emergency and house information nicely framed for guests. It was almost together by the time Matt and Cindi arrived, no doubt it was much more homey than just a mattress in a room! With Christmas money we finally bought bedding to be used just for downstairs and Bob and Alvisia treated me to awesome bedside lamps for my birthday. I still have to refinish a used headboard and bedside tables, find a large picture to put up on the wall, perhaps find an area rug under the bed and a full length mirror on the wall, but I'm very very proud of being able to give guests a cozy place to sleep and relax in when staying overnight!

When everyone had cleared. Alexiss and I resorted to our regular routine. A shopping day in Strathmore meant a stop at McDonalds for a grilled cheese happy meal for Alexiss and a coffee for Momma. She was so darn cute eating and being spaced out I just have to share.

We're also back to working on our letters, and little miss smarty pants is proving that she knows more than I think she does. We barely got going with Train Tracks for the letter T and she was telling me what sound the "T" made. With the letter T we could start spelling! CAT and BAT! We also did the letter M as in Monster.

 Look what Ali can do! She worked hard all week, it was messy and spitty!

I'm sorry, I know I'm leaving a slew of stuff out but it's 1:00 AM. I had fun working on the Allowance chart and didn't realize how late it was. I've got to get myself to bed, 7AM comes too early in the morning!!

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