Sunday, July 14, 2013

A glimpse of a Ryderson weekend

It's been another great weekend and while I didn't get some things done that I wanted to do, I did manage to get in some work hours, did some baking to share and had fun with Ali and Mark.

As I looked at my fridge today I realized how full our house has become with fun stuff. Yep, I still have Ali's amazing drawing of her going for a walk in the top left. Beside that is an invite for Lauren's Bday party this week, a letter from Bad Bad Leroy thanking Ali for some yummy yummy delicious scones she helped bake, the picture we had done at the Easter Eggstravaganza, a painted leaf, a "card" from our new neighbors to Ali and under the star some information Mark's been collecting on his grandfather's history. Lotsa love on that fridge!
For fun I thought I'd try to remember and reconstruct what our fridge looked like before Ali (ignore the colorful stuff piled atop). Lots of good quotes and sayings and a Chuckle Bros. cartoon that I thought was punny and fitting for Mark and I, it has a picture of a roaming family cooking dinner at a fire, a donkey and trailer behind, it reads, "They were proud of the fact that they had never lost their temper, nor had they ever had even a single argument. Yes... they were nomads" I quickly took that down when sleep deprivation and stress got the best of me but in reality Mark and I seldom fight as the general public would see it, we do fight, just not in a way that others would see it as such. I like it, but the top picture makes me smile a bit more. :D

hmmm, This is Mark's attempt at a Playdoh cat. We've been working hard to get Ali to recognize her numbers. She can almost count to 20 but there's a couple numbers she doesn't recognize. After working on 3 and 5 this week, I think we've only got 6 and 9 to go!

Oh my goodness, what have I done! I don't have a big enough bowl! I thought I'd double a scone recipe and ended up doubling the double! Neighbors were happy to help with the stacked pile of scones though!

Some down time and snack time. Raw green beans and tortilla chips. mmmm mmmm. Say hi to our new neighbors Lauren and Ashley
Seems Ali loves the Pooh Bear Lullabee, she's been singing it to me all day... guess I better learn all the words! She's also been singing the alphabet song and the silly swing song I made over a month ago. She's so cute, I sing it and she wiggles while swinging. It goes like this...

Swing swing swing
Ali's on the swing
Sing Sing Sing
Ali won't you sing
Sing me a song
It doesn't have to be long
Ali won't you sing me a song.

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