Saturday, October 29, 2011

Love! Love! Love!

I'm starting to understand why couples have more than one child, Alexiss has become a cuddly loving sweet adorable beautiful funny silly light of my life little person and I love who she's becoming. I never want to be without her.

I cannot seem to listen to news stories of young toddlers anymore, good or bad. It's too close to home and I personalize way too much. The bad ones turn my stomach. So much promise, potential and love in young toddlers. I even found myself smiling at a couple and their 6 monthish son in the grocery store. Some of the smile was out of love and some was out of support.

This morning she woke me, so I went about the normal routine.. diaper, bottle, blankets and cuddles. Now, I'm always cold when I'm tired, so thought nothing of it, my concern is usually for Alexiss these days, so I went to the thermostat too turn up the furnace a bit. A few presses of a button and... nothing! A quick look at the temperature to discover it was 17.5! I was sleepy so it took a few minutes to register that the furnace wasn't working. bah.. I'm thankful it wasn't too cold last night. So, on went the gas fireplace, opened went her door and back to bed I went!

We're fortunate to have a local jack-of-all trades. He's here now, Alexiss is napping and I'm hearing the whoosh of the furnace! A good day I must say!

Awww, my little camo panted mechanic in the making! Aren't we proud Pops?

Out in the wagon! Alexiss lurves her wagon!

The baby with her baby! So cute!

Talking of love, I'd read a study done of the effects of the word "love" on water. Seems the molecules reacted differently when the water was in a clear container with a piece of paper with "love" written on it (facing inward). So I put a sticky note on my water bottle at work. For some strange reason I mentioned it to a male co-worker.. who now has "Love! Love! Love" on his water bottle.. and has been singing "Love, Love, Love" by The Beatles all week. Positive energy is such a strong thing!

I leave you with a few pictures (not of Alexiss) that I think are beautiful.

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