Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ahhhhh, weekend!

This week of work was a lil rough, rougher for Lee-Ann though. She was up sick all night Monday, so Alexiss and I stayed home on Wednesday, and it was a good thing, Alexiss wasn't feeling up to snuff herself and kept me hopping and cuddling all day. Tuesday night it continued, Alexiss wouldn't sleep, I finally got her to sleep around 3:00 on the Momma Pillow.

Mark, the sweetie, stayed home with us on Wednesday since we were both a lil bit of a whiny tired fussy mess. But! All is back to normal, including Alexiss taking after the Momma for sleep habits. There's a few things I was hoping she'd take from Mark, sleeping being one of them. Mark gets tired and NOTHING can keep him up! But it wasn't to be, so I'm left with two insomniacal people in the house. Once I get Alexiss finally settled, then I have to work on getting me settled. At least I understand and know some things that help me sleep, to help her sleep.

We're off to Calgary today, Mark's work is hosting a BBQ for employees and family. I figured after all they've done for us with Alexiss that we could at least let them meet her face to face instead of Mark and I always meeting requests to see new pictures. Of course, we'll take some pics today too!

I've had an idea mulling around for a business in the area and my internal clock is telling me now is the time. Funny, I didn't have any kind of biological clock for children, but I do for business. I guess some of the drive for me is the long days at work and being away from Alexiss. I think, with some help, if I can get it going, in a few years I'd be able to stay home...or at least bring Alexiss to work with me. We'll see, the idea has been around for a few years and I've put it off, I'm hoping I can make it further than just thinking about it this time.

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