Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby it's cold outside!

Not fit for man, beast nor babeh!

Yesterday Calgary was a low of -30, today we're sitting at around -17. It's not so bad, except for when en you want to go to the store and have to warm up a truck, move a truck away from the snowbank to put Alexiss in.... and that's not even suiting her up yet!

Yep, we've got cabin fever, even poor Rex isn't getting fresh air these past two weeks, his poor paws get cold and somehow I think not being able to teach an old dog new tricks includes booties.

We had blustery weather again on Monday and I dare not even take the trip into Carseland to pick up the mail, let alone go into Strathmore for diapers. We had juuuust enough to get through the day, which was great, I really didn't want to try to come up with alternatives. Mark lucked out at the gas station with a small package to get us through until Tuesday when I did make the trip into Strathmore. Alexiss is traveling much better, I give the girl credit, it's a 20 min drive one way, add on time to grocery shop and pick up the things we need and it usually means a few things are left undone for our next trip into town.

Her poor head, the largest hat we have for her is getting too small, so that leaves me no choice but to knit! Well, there are other choices... but, I think a little knitted hat from me will be super cute, specially with fingerless mitts to match! I'm hoping I can find more of the same yarn to make a poncho for her, there's no patterns out there that I love, but I think I can combine them to knit something she won't mind wearing. I promise to share pictures when they are done.

We are getting used to our new envelope budgeting system but sometimes when you don't use the envelopes, it's a big of money juggling. Always good for a tongue-out duty, or some fun with Mark!

Gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. What a terrible weather!
    I can remember the Urals, where winter weather was like yours.. It was horribly cold.

    Sorry, if I trouble you) I've just find your blog with the word "fairy" in the profile.
