Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today's word is BACON!

Not sure why, but the word BACON is high-larious today! Specially when yelled from across the kitchen.

You just never know when one word will be funny and send Alexiss into high-sterics!

Mind you, it could've been the relief of being home after two days of trips into Strathmore and anything would have been funny.

You know, there's all kinds of bacon stuff online for sale these days, not sure how bacon got to be a popular trend, but... there it is!

(click the words to see what I mean): bacon mints, bacon stuff toys, bacon jellybeans! Even a bacon wallet and bacon flavored envelopes and a scarf to wear to show your support!

At home we eat turkey bacon instead, it's not bad when you crisp it up and it's not as greasy on the tummy.

Poor Alexiss, it'll be a long while til she gets to taste anything slathered in bacon, onions and sour cream... mmmm mmmm

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Family Day!

From the first time we sat around and drank tea with Mom in the kitchen Mark was immediately family to me, but now we are three.

Mark took and extra long weekend for Family Day. We got Monday off, but Mark treated us to Friday too! We both love having him around to play. Alexiss was so worn out, she was screaming for bed at 7:00 last night! It took awhile to figure that one out, bed time is usually around 9! She was eating like a fiend and then cried for more. She drank 6 oz in a short time so she could sleep for the night, she usually drinks under 4 in a sitting.

On Friday I went into Calgary for a car service appt. and Mark stayed home with Alexiss. Silly, but what did I do with my time but go to work to visit! It was great to get to catch up with everyone! I went to Toy R Us too and bought Alexiss a Sophie Giraffe. Oma had mentioned it long ago and I wouldn't have believed how much kids love it if I wouldn't have seen it myself. It's just the right size for kids and the bumpily ears and antlers are great for teething babes. There is an issue with Sophie's legs being a choking hazard, but I can assure, she won't get left alone with it for it to be an issue.

It's official, Alexiss doesn't like cloth diapers. Yesterday I thought I'd try to transition to them, but Alexiss had a different idea. She likes a clean dry bum, who can blame her, so unless I change her every hour cloth will mean a cranky baby..and that's no fun.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I found it!

  • I found my bounce! T-I-doubleG-RRRR!
  • I found my toes! Next Ima gonna EAT 'EM!
  • I found my voice! It's not just for crying anymore!
  • I found the Mamma's nose! And eyes, and eyebrows!
  • I found the carpet! Next I'm gonna have to learn to unsee the carpet

Sorry for the lack of updates, I had a really bad cough/cold last week.

I found my toes! Next Ima gonna EAT 'EM!
I found the Mamma's nose! And eyes, and eyebrows!
Yep, Alexiss now loves to sit and play "timber" (because she can't sit for long on her own), sitting up and falling over is good for 10 minutes of amusement after a diaper change, then we lie on the bed together and roll around for a bit. She takes time to reach out and touch my face, she's very gentle! She also likes playing with her toes and gets a look in her eye that she really wants to put them in her mouth.

I found the carpet! Next I'm gonna have to learn to unsee the carpet
During the week she was rolling over on her side and this weekend she surprised us by flomping onto her belly. She can't quite roll back over on her back yet, but she's enjoying the play mat in a new way.

I found my voice! It's not just for crying anymore!
Alexiss has been talking more and more, while playing and even mumbling to me when she's eating. Very cute! Of course I agree with whatever she is saying with an "mm-mm".

I found my bounce! T-I-doubleG-RRRR! (in my bouncer)
Boing, boing, boing! She quickly mastered the toys on her bouncer and discovered just how to bounce in it, what a workout she must get! Even when she's had enough and Mark or I go to pick her up out of it...she gets in a few more bounces.

We're not sure yet what or if we will shorten her name on a day to day basis. Gramma calls her Lexy (or is it Lexi..). We've been using her full name, Alexiss, or Little Star. Mark sometimes calls her Little Ryder and I've still been using Bubba. Mark tried on the nickname Allie this weekend and it sounded sweet coming from him.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not a creature is stirring (except a momma)

While Alexiss sleeps in her swing (not a common thing for me during the day, she usually uses me for a pillow or doesn't sleep at all), I usually try to get a few things done.

Today I was going to reach over and grab the phone only to be met with the pets sleeping and *gasp* actually touching!

a closer look....

I guess those phone calls can wait...

Okay, okay, to brush my teeth....

Something to sink your...gums...into

Let's play 20 questions (or more, or less, we;ll have to see)! But I'm changing the rules a bit since, let's face it, I'm playing it by myself and a momma has to have time to eat too. The first few questions will be to filter and narrow things down quicker and each yes and no will have a further explanation.

Animal, vegetable or mineral?
- animal (person, really)

Action, being or other?
- other (but the reason of actions)

Learning, laughing, loving or living?
-living (it is a part of life we've all gone through)

Is this person living in the house
- yes

Is this person Alexiss

Does this other part of life we've all gone through involve discomfort?
-yes, but she's being a trooper

Does it involve a sour stomach?
-yes and no. It can.

Does this other part of life we've all gone through involve drooling?
- yes, and lots of it. The drool acts as a softening agent for babies gums

Does the cat need food?
- heh, sorry multitasking.. the answer is yes.

Is this person teething!?

Do those rosy cheeks mean she's too hot or does it have to do with teething?
- Could be either. The way to check to see if she's too hot is to feel the back of her neck. The nape of the neck is the best way to check quickly if a baby is too hot or cold.

Will she get a fever?
-probably not. A low grade fever perhaps, but it's not common for a child to get a fever with teething unless something else is going on. That something else could be from teething, but it's not the actual act of teething that causes the temperature.

Can we see her teeth!?
-no, teething can take many months from first drool to first tooth. Teething is different than actually cutting a tooth, although I find people think the two go hand in hand in short order, facts are that teething can take up the first three years of life and that from first drool (3 months) through to first tooth can be months (first tooth usually shows up at 4 to 7 months old)!

was that 20? .... nope 13! We did it in 14! Yay me! Now let's see if I can feed the cat, brush my teeth and eat for the rest of the time. I promise to ask 7 more questions of myself to make it fair.

aaaandd.... we're spent!

It was a wonderful weekend with Ron and Gail with Matt, Cindi, Malcolm and their new puppy Genghis dropping by for a bit. I gotta say Gail (and Ron too) is a killer cook! mmmm mmm! They (Ron and Gail) spoiled us rotten this weekend! Alexiss had lots of fun and is tired right out.. so am I, physically and emotionally. It's not helping that Alexiss has started waking at night again, just to keep me on my toes and not get too settled. Add a scratchy throat and I'm just praying a nap time not on the-momma, but so far, no go.

I hope Matt and Cindi enjoyed it, even if I did toss out their toothbrushes last time they stayed. Hey, at least I gave em toothpicks! We opened our new game, "Run for your life! Candyman". A fun take on Candyland where the Gingerbread markers attack each other and hit each other with damage while trying to get to the winning spot on the end of the board before being turned into a pile of crumbs. My gingerbread man was named Stinky, although I came to think he was stinky AND sticky since I couldn't seem to get ahead. Speaking of "a head" I had the fun of ripping off the gingerbread paper appendages when required (six hits on an arm, leg, head or belly), next time I make real men cookies!

Alexiss is getting more and more alert and interested in the world around her in the past week. She changes in leaps and bounds sometimes. Unfortunately, I don't think Alexiss is feeling her tip top in the past few days either and possibly has a touch of the same cold I think I'm catching. I set up the cool mist humidifiers in each room to help ease us a bit.

I'm getting lots of smiles and giggles amid the crying these past few days. She likes watching me and me watching her, which makes it hard to get stuff done around the house. She's not as happy in her highchair or playmat anymore, but she quickly figured out all the toys on her bouncer, smart girl!

I just gotta say... the medical industry has changed the recommended feeding age for babies from 4 to 6 months. They are finding it's better in the long run for their digestive system. I've had so much advice on giving her pablum.. but I'm waiting as long as possible. Alexiss is only starting to get interested in food. When she can hold her head up well and drink from her fast bottle nipples without problems, I'll consider introducing pablum and a few mashed veggies, but not until then.. and not mixed into her bottle. I know it's not uncommon and those children grew up just fine, it's just not for us. With all my digestive issues I'm sensitive to a bad digestive system and want to give Alexiss every advantage to mature her system and body to a point where she can handle it without a doubt. Babies up to a year get all their nutrients from formula anyway, the first 9 months to a year is all about play and experimenting with food more than them "needing it". Mom gave me a great book that has advice and some starting recipes that will come in super handy!

God helps those who help themselves. We didn't get as much for a consolidation loan as we'd hoped... but we can still swindle it and not have extra bank accounts and line-of-credits hanging around. We put in for RRSPs and our companies give us stock, we should be able to just reach our goal by not touching our RRSP and using our stocks instead. Perhaps that's better in the end anyway, that way some is paid off instead of just transferred to another line of credit. Funny how life always gives us just what we need and although disappointing at the time it leads us to something else better.

Off to start a day. Whew, I'm tired already....