Thursday, November 21, 2013

A fun November

What a filled week! The weather's taken a turn for the cold and Lexa and I are already feeling the effects of cabin fever.

Everything is beautiful to Lexa these days. "Lookit my beautiful plate", "my beautiful raisin"... you get the idea.

There's been a lot of firsts

the past while. Her first toboggan ride in the backyard on a huge snow drift to accompany her first snow fort made with Dad. Her first Christmas tree decorating, for which the lights have to ALWAYS be on. Last year I really felt like it was new and fun but that the events didn't stick in her memory. This year she's much more a child than a baby.

We took full advantage of a nice day but it was super muddy! Lexa had lots of fun playing in the mud with Madison. This is just the start of it, it got much worse on the way home.

Even her face wasn't safe from the mud!

The next day we played a bit of soccer. What an outfit! Her clothes were still muddy so I dug out a pink and black checkered jacket and her black polka dotted hat. So cute!
Lexa and the Little Tree

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