Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Recent firsts

Seems Oma and I are in agreement, Alexiss had her first bang-trim yesterday. Not a lot was cut, but it must be true... we both noticed! Nothing off of the back or sides though, thank goodness. If it was more than a bang trim I don't think I'd be so nonchalant about it. I kinda want to be there for it when it happens.... and save that lil curl!

Alexiss got her first splinter this week too. And The Momma had her first experience trying to remove splinters. She was so good, sitting on the floor and letting me do what I needed to, mind you.. it took a few little breaks and wanderings off on her part, but we managed to pick away at two of the four. They were in her left palm, two were pretty superficial, I got one of the superficial ones and the worst of the four out last night, then Alexiss had to explore and take invisible splinters out of Daddy's hand! I wonder if she'll be as accommodating tonight to let me get the other two!?

The ball is rolling for me to lessen my work load and reduce hours. I expect to hear something by the end of the week from my boss on what they thought of my proposed idea and what they can actually do for me. I figure if I'm no further ahead at the end of the week, I can't get more behind... since I didn't think they would even consider anything outside of the 40 hour in-office work week.

Oh and lots of words, I can't quite make out what p'na is supposed to be though!

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