Saturday, May 12, 2012

Alexiss's expanded vocabulary and translations

Bow - Cat. Okay, this one takes a little explanation. There's a cat down the street called Meow Meow... see connection yet?

Cheese - Surprising!

pad-pad (as she taps the couch) - iPad. Now Mark wants another one for his birthday because Alexiss seems to think the family one is hers. heh.

ba - Ball, Bath or Bed..oh yeah.. or bum. It's usually pretty easy to tell which is which

oot  - Outside

Shhhh - telling Rex to stop barking or the cat to stop meowing.

and of course, No. She's getting the hang of Yes too.

She's done the odd repeating thing too, where she repeats and then doesn't say it again, kinda like her not remembering how she said it. The most recent was flower, but she's been doing it for months.

Her comprehension is far beyond though. She knows everything we say and what it means, and she points out things in books easily.

We had a great morning playing in the dirt and around the yard.

A lil shnack outside

My mother's day present, thanks to Alexiss and help from Olive!

Alexiss is getting quite the tan... on her hands. I swear, it's not dirt and she usually wears long sleeves. heheheheh

Rita, Bev's daughter, (Bev is the Wed day care lady) thought it would be cute to put pig tails in Alexiss's hair. She was right! It was super CUTE and Alexiss loved them. So, of course, I had to go get elastics!

Mark came home with a box from his grandmother for Alexiss's collection. I'll have to get them together again and take a picture! Thanks Grandma! We're still thinking of you everyday!

New videos are being uploaded as I type, hopefully they'll be ready for you all this weekend.

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